Federal Judge Blocks Missouri Public School From Distributing Bibles


Villified User
Federal Judge Blocks Missouri Public School From Distributing Bibles

Thursday, January 10, 2008

ST. LOUIS — A rural school district's long-standing practice of allowing the distribution of Bibles to grade school students is unconstitutional, a federal judge has ruled.

An attorney for the southeastern Missouri school district said Wednesday he will appeal the judge's injunction against the practice.

For more than three decades, the South Iron School District in Annapolis, 120 miles southwest of St. Louis in the heart of the Bible Belt, allowed representatives of Gideons International to give away Bibles in fifth-grade classrooms.

The American Civil Liberties Union filed suit two years ago on behalf of four sets of parents. In August, a three-judge panel of the 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a temporary injunction against the practice.

The district altered its policy, saying the Gideons and others were still welcome to distribute Bibles or other literature before or after school or during lunch break, but not in classrooms.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge Catherine Perry ruled both practices were illegal and granted a permanent injunction.

The purpose of both practices "is the promotion of Christianity by distributing Bibles to elementary school students," Perry wrote. "The policy has the principle or primary effect of advancing religion by conveying a message of endorsement to elementary school children."

Mathew Staver, president of Liberty Counsel, a Florida-based law group that represented the school district, said he would appeal.

"I think the current policy creates an open forum that allows secular as well as religious persons or groups to access the forum to distribute information," Staver said. "The court has clearly misread the First Amendment and the cases regarding free speech."

The parents who sued are Christian but believe religious beliefs should be taught in the home, not school, said Anthony Rothert, legal director of the ACLU of Eastern Missouri.

I expect that the school library contains a Bible, I wonder how many elemtary school libraries have a copy of the Koran in their library ?
I expect that the school library contains a Bible, I wonder how many elemtary school libraries have a copy of the Koran in their library ?

Who cares if it does or not? The bible is a book. As long as no one is forced to check it out, forced to read it or forced to adhere to it, then who gives a crap if it is in the libarary?
Who cares if it does or not? The bible is a book. As long as no one is forced to check it out, forced to read it or forced to adhere to it, then who gives a crap if it is in the libarary?

Absolutely and that is the way it should stay in school.
m'eh. I don't think I care too much about this. But that could be because I was raised Christian.
m'eh. I don't think I care too much about this. But that could be because I was raised Christian.

Oh sure, you don't care if bibles get thrust in the hands of other people's kids during class time....

But, you sexually traumatize and taunt pimply faced Mormon boys, who knock on your door to give you a bible.

Ahh the mormoans and other religious aggravators.

Easy to run off, just get down on all fours and bark like a dog at them.
amazing they are prepared to do battle with satan ,but a crazy person scares the crap out of them.
Oh sure, you don't care if bibles get thrust in the hands of other people's kids during class time....

But, you .....traumatize and taunt pimply faced Mormon boys, who knock on your door to give you a bible.


LOL. Man, am I developing quite the reputation on this board. It was one time people jeez. and I didn't "do" anything.
Now imagine the Conservative OUTRAGE if a school in Northern California was allowing Muslims or Wiccans or Buddahists to come to the school and pass out their books and literature even during lunch and before and after school. Ann Coulter might actually have an aneurism screaming about this. It's always Ok if it is the BIBLE but not another book. Imagine if you will AHZ if someone was passing Naugahide books out at your kids school? Well first imagine that you have had sex, that it ended in the procreation of little AHZ. Then pretend that he grew up and went to school and Naugahide books got passed out. Or maybe even the Talmud? WOw I bet they highly speculative series of events would really get your goat.
Now imagine the Conservative OUTRAGE if a school in Northern California was allowing Muslims or Wiccans or Buddahists to come to the school and pass out their books and literature even during lunch and before and after school. Ann Coulter might actually have an aneurism screaming about this. It's always Ok if it is the BIBLE but not another book. Imagine if you will AHZ if someone was passing Naugahide books out at your kids school? Well first imagine that you have had sex, that it ended in the procreation of little AHZ. Then pretend that he grew up and went to school and Naugahide books got passed out. Or maybe even the Talmud? WOw I bet they highly speculative series of events would really get your goat.

Soc advocating we all have sex with AHZ.
You're right Soc and I thought about that before I posted. If someone was giving out anything controversial to the kids other than the Bible, they'd be enraged. They would even be enraged if they were giving them safe s ex pamphlets.

Let’s just be gentlemen and drop the whole delectable and titilating (no pun intended) “cleavage incident” from public discourse.

Well, have to be satisfied forthwith, with the searing image that’s burned into our minds. :o