Fed’s follies mean interest-rate cut won’t ease our economic woes

Truth Detector

Well-known member
Nailed it. Imagine just interest on the massive debt Democrats don’t care about at over a trillion dollars and our governments costs hitting 6 trillion. It is mind boggling and brought on by politicians who know nothing about finance or how the real world operates.

To Democrats, this is all about power and the struggle to maintain it by lying to, and gaslighting their constituents by promising them free stuff.

But nothing comes free. It comes at a very high cost.

Fed’s follies mean interest-rate cut won’t ease our economic woes

How much will the Federal Reserve cut interest rates when Chairman Jerome Powell makes his announcement Wednesday?

That’s the predominant question business reporters have posed this week — but it’s the wrong one.


Because the Fed is in a lose-lose scenario whatever it does: No matter how big or small the cut, it will produce more financial pain for American families.

That’s especially troubling given how much people’s budgets are already stretched amid the current cost-of-living crisis.

The dollar has lost one-fifth of its value in less than four years, and families have racked up over $1.1 trillion in credit-card debt trying to make ends meet.

The deadly combination of high outstanding balances and high interest rates means that, for the first time ever, Americans are paying over $300 billion a year just in finance charges on their credit cards — before putting a dime toward the amount owed.

It’s a similar situation in the housing market, with record-high home prices and interest rates almost three times their level from four years ago.

Potential homebuyers now have to borrow much more, and must pay a premium to do so.

That’s why the monthly mortgage payment on a median-price home has doubled since the start of the Harris-Biden administration in January 2021.

We forget that the interest rate is a price, specifically the price to borrow money.

When Congress started spending trillions of dollars we didn’t have during the COVID pandemic in 2020, the Treasury had to borrow that money — but there wasn’t enough available from the private sector.

High demand for borrowing coupled with low supply of loanable funds would’ve pushed interest rates to stratospheric levels and made it impossible for the Treasury to borrow all the money Congress wanted to spend.

That’s why the Fed pushed interest rates down to zero and literally created the money for the Treasury to borrow.

Even after 2020, Congress and the Harris-Biden administration kept their collective foot on the spending gas, and the Fed obliged with trillions more in new money.

That gave America 40-year-high inflation, which devalued the dollar by 20%.

And the spending spree continues, more than four years after it began.

The Treasury just announced its worst August deficit ever, wherein 55 cents of every dollar spent by the government was borrowed. The deficit for this fiscal year will exceed $2 trillion.

The runaway borrowing by government has been the ultimate driver of today’s higher interest rates.
Pumping more cash into this economy would be like giving alcohol to someone trying to get sober — it may feel good at first, but the hangover will return.

What the person really needs is to stay on the wagon.

In this case, that means fiscal and monetary restraint.

America needs Congress and the White House to cut spending and the deficit, while the Fed focuses exclusively on preventing inflation.

Instead, we have a White House and most of Congress hell-bent on spending this country into the ground.
No, that would be you, you sad brain-dead troll on steroids. If you read more, you would be slightly less stupid and pathetic. ;)
You are right about one thing, if the FRB only lowers the interest rate by .50 %, it will not move any economic needles.

But, it is a move in the right direction.

Things will not return to normal again until the rate gets back down to 3% or even better 2.50%.

So the faster we get there the better.

Even though I worked for the FRB for over 10 years, I never agreed with their Archaic philosophy that you have to fuck up the economy first, by raising their interest rate, TO MAKE THE ECONOMY BETTER. In fact, it's like trying to put out a fire with gasoline!

And that is something, that all of our presidents, including Trump, would agree with me on!
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You are right about one thing, if the FRB only lowers the interest rate by .50 %, it will not move any economic needles.

But, it is a move in the right direction.

Things will not return to normal again until the rate gets back down to 3% or even better 2.50%.

So the faster we get there the better.
So, you didn't read the article or learn anything from it. Got it. ;)
You immediately politicized your post, and it just went SOUTH from there, and people stopped reading it.

Ain't nobody got time for dat'!

Are you trying to make a helpful or useful point, or just take cheap and chicken-shit political pot shots?
Just STFU you sad caricature of ignorance and stupidity. God you leftists are morons. It explains why you would vote for someone as stupid and brain dead as Kamala. :palm:
Just STFU you sad caricature of ignorance and stupidity. God you leftists are morons. It explains why you would vote for someone as stupid and brain dead as Kamala. :palm:
You have no idea about how the Federal Reserve Bank works.

I balanced the books for Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas every day for many years!

So I think I know about more how they operate than you!