feed people you monsters

They upped the money for farm subsidies for people who own big farms that make money and take food from the poor.

this is sociopathic
A couple of the assholes who voted for this HAVE farms that got more money while kids and vets go hungry
Its completely idiotic.

this is some of the BEST stim you can do to an economy.

this will mean these people will take any money they have to buy say a new shirt for work and will use that money for food.

Its an economy killer
Its completely idiotic.

this is some of the BEST stim you can do to an economy.

this will mean these people will take any money they have to buy say a new shirt for work and will use that money for food.

Its an economy killer

That is such a lie. You aren't stimulating the economy with foodstamps. You have ZERO understanding of economics.

They are getting their welfare cut by $36 a month. Relax Francis

A two term black president is in the Whitehouse, what has he done to improve the job market? He gave billions in loans to the auto industry (unions) and we lost money, billions to his failed green energy ideas, billions to foreign goverments, just think if he had given some of that money and invested it where it actually could have done good.
what kind of a country cuts food for kids and vets?
Wow. It was almost impossible getting to the store this morning. I have to get a snow plow for my car to get through all the bodies of kids and vets that starved to death. They're really piling up in the streets around here! But that's neither here nor there. Let me ask 2 questions:
1) Didn't Obama have to sign that farm bill? What kind of a monster is HE?

2) The damn IRS took in a record 2.7 TRILLION bucks in taxes this year. What the hell are the democrats spending all that money on?
You forget these people have a vote too.

We will fight fro them to vote and your party will die
You forget these people have a vote too.

We will fight fro them to vote and your party will die
So be it. Maybe you cockroaches will inherit the whole enchilada, but you won't last much longer than we will. Who will feed, clothe and shelter everyone when the last capitalist throws in the towel?