FEMA: Trains To Take You To The Camps


Staff member
Lee Rogers
Rogue Government
February 13, 2008

The U.S. government continues to expand its plans to setup a nationalized concentration camp system under the guise of emergency management. FEMA has already come a long way in establishing their concentration camp system, but now it looks as if they might be trying to figure out a way to transport people to these facilities. A disturbing revelation from a FEMA official confirmed that the institution is looking at ways to use passenger trains to get elderly and sick people out of harms way during an emergency situation. According to an Associated Press report, FEMA official Glenn Cannon made these revelations testifying in front of a congressional subcommittee in New Orleans. Although this might seem like a relatively minor development, it is actually very serious considering preparations the U.S. government has already made for martial law and the establishment of FEMA run concentration camps. Looking back in history, the Nazis used trains to transport large groups of Jews to concentration camps where many of them were put to death. It appears as if FEMA is moving in the direction of setting up a similar transportation system that could take not just the sick and elderly but all sorts of people to these concentration camps.

Below is the entire Associated Press report on this subject.


Can we just drop the whole THEORY pretense now?

Damo is just honing his super troll personna...let him have some fun!;)

Opp's my bad...you are just playing along...the old 'Good cop-bad Cop' routine...I will just head off into the sunset at this point...Night All!
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