

I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?
Drink red likker, Ride 4 wheelers, shoot shotguns and eat.
In that order of course.

Other than eat, thankfully he doesn't do any of those things.

Just wondering. I think I might write something on gender roles during the Holidays. Maybe epic and dave and those guys cook and decorate though. Could be generational.
Well a traditional male Christmas role is to attempt to assemble the "some assembly required" toys the youngins get.
always make a pool on how many parts will be left over and how long before he pulls out the actual directions/manufacturers recommendations.
Also he generally has to buy some expensive batteries at a convenience store on christmas day for the toys.
Well a traditional male Christmas role is to attempt to assemble the "some assembly required" toys the youngins get.
always make a pool on how many parts will be left over and how long before he pulls out the actual directions/manufacturers recommendations.
Also he generally has to buy some expensive batteries at a convenience store on christmas day for the toys.

Oh that's true! And I am really bad at putting things together. So that is one for your gender.
Well a traditional male Christmas role is to attempt to assemble the "some assembly required" toys the youngins get.
always make a pool on how many parts will be left over and how long before he pulls out the actual directions/manufacturers recommendations.
Also he generally has to buy some expensive batteries at a convenience store on christmas day for the toys.

I'm oh so glad my kids are grown. Now, if I buy something that says, "Some Assembly Required" my son can put the doggone thing together himself!

Directions? Do things come with directions? Are they in English? :rolleyes:

Oh wait, since he prefers Playstation 2, CDs and computer stuff he doesn't have to put things together either! Just wait until he has kids!

Well a traditional male Christmas role is to attempt to assemble the "some assembly required" toys the youngins get.
always make a pool on how many parts will be left over and how long before he pulls out the actual directions/manufacturers recommendations.
Also he generally has to buy some expensive batteries at a convenience store on christmas day for the toys.

LOL! too true! I was on my brother-in-law's crap list for a few months one year for getting my niece a Marvel the Mustang that he had to assemble.

I'm actually pretty good at putting things together, and do read the instructions before sometimes discarding them as less than useless. Perhaps I could start a side career writing user manuals, instructions for assembly, etc. I think that the secret is understanding where the user is coming from; most writers of those instructions haven't a clue. :rolleyes:
I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?

I have numerous jobs during the holidays. I drive my wife whereever she needs to go shopping. I end up going back to the store for whatever is forgotten. I do half of the interior and all the exterior decorating. I untablge the xmas lights (which is worse than anything)

I am also the one who does the beverages and snacks for any entertaining.

One of the traditions we have is the big kids and I (redundant?) go shopping and to a movie. Its half time with Dad and half "get the kids out of the house so their Mom doesn't kill them".

Men tend to not get as overwhelmed during the holidays because we usually do what we are told. Its less stressful than trying to plan. But if both tried to plan it would be a war.
I am going to a buddies for xmas eve party, then going skiing xmas day. Already did the family get together this past weekend.
I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?

What do men do at Christmas?

I'm as new age a man with a modern mindset that you're ever likely to meet. I once put drank something with an olive in it and everything, you know? However, aside from a daunting evening wrapping some presents badly i have no responsibilities whatsoever.

Therefore i'm off out, down the town, on Christmas Eve with some terrible acquaintances, where several cold drinks will be taken allowing one to sleep through the racket made by that portly bearded fellow attempting to gain entry through the central heating vent. He's not right in the head our neighbour.

On Christmas Day i'm at dear mother and father's hopefully pickling my battered liver with an assortment of port, wine and premium lagers. That's what it's all about. I may be persuaded to do some drunken washing up.
What do men do at Christmas?

I'm as new age a man with a modern mindset that you're ever likely to meet. I once put drank something with an olive in it and everything, you know? However, aside from a daunting evening wrapping some presents badly i have no responsibilities whatsoever.

Therefore i'm off out, down the town, on Christmas Eve with some terrible acquaintances, where several cold drinks will be taken allowing one to sleep through the racket made by that portly bearded fellow attempting to gain entry through the central heating vent. He's not right in the head our neighbour.

On Christmas Day i'm at dear mother and father's hopefully pickling my battered liver with an assortment of port, wine and premium lagers. That's what it's all about. I may be persuaded to do some drunken washing up.

Ahh, the life of a single man. Brings back great memories.
I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?
I cook meals when I'm there, but yeah never Christmas, nor do I decorate, nor would my wife let me decorate...

I do however do all dishes, bathrooms, all the floor cleaning/vacuuming and I'm sure I will be cutting and cleaning a lot of the stuff that will be cooked so I do my fair share.
My first holiday festivity was for myself Saturday. Went with 5 friends in limo to the Windy City and had fabulous dinner at Petterino's, then to see Dirty Dancing. Now the 'real holidays' get going.

My problem this year is with my nephew ending his 5 weeks of radiation at Mayo on Christmas Eve about noon, we pretty much have to confine the 'first wave' to Christmas Eve. While he's really withstood the radiation quite well, the effects have caught up a bit in the past couple of weeks. His hair is falling out and he's tired. We'll all be at my brother's house when he and my nephew return, have a quiet night, eat, exchange gifts and probably still make midnight mass, if the weather doesn't totally go haywire. (Yes, we're under another 'winter storm advisory'). My nephew's wife doesn't get off until 8, so again it's much easier for everyone to keep it low keyed.

Christmas Day is usually at my home, with anywhere from 12-20 people. Not this year; it'll just be my kids, the daughter's significant other, and myself. My older son's gf is in Israel, so there will only be 5 of us. I'm uncertain how to do 'Christmas dinner' for 5. :eek: So far I'm thinking prime rib with a horseradish sauce, garlic mashed potatoes, root veggies gratin, salad, some breads and dessert. Traditionally I've served a dozen appetizers and made pretty simple dinner. With only 5 that seems beyond excessive, so I'm tending towards shrimp cocktails with the salad, pizza rolls-yes weird but the kids love those best, and sweet sour meatballs.

My niece and her husband are arriving from NY on the 28th, so we'll be back at my brother's on New Year's Day, after 3 for some sort of catered get together.

Funny while writing this my brother called from MN, then his wife called me. My brother and nephew just got in and wanted to say, "Hi!" and let me know Jay is feeling better than last week. His treatment today is at 4 and they hope to get an early one on Wednesday, his last, and start home.

My SIL called me back, I had wanted to know what to bring Wednesday evening. Jumbo shrimp with my cocktail sauce, (good bye shrimp for Christmas! :D , onto plan C), dessert, and wine.

Zowie! Before I could finish this my niece called, she wanted to know what wines and desserts she might bring for New Year's day for my daughter and myself. She said her husband had picked up some 'interesting beers' from some market. She's in her last year at Columbia Law and her husband is doing his residency at New York Presbyterian and he can't get time off until the 28th, I know she's homesick. I wonder if they are going to be able to get the liquor on the plane, probably shipping it now that I think of it.

Funny how something like taking a break by reading and then trying to post this brings home 'the holidays' in ways one doesn't always think of. My son had decided to stop home for lunch, just to see what was going on. 3 family phone calls in less than 20 minutes is weird. Yep, the holidays are here. Regardless of the celebration, it really is about family and keeping in touch.

Merry Christmas or whatever you celebrate!
I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?

I do most of that. I bake cookies with my daughter and put up the Christmas tree the day before Thanksgiving. I just bought my house so I didn't have nough lights to even bother with it this year outside, but I had enough to decorate all the rooms downstairs with Christmas stuff. I wouldn't trust my wife to put nails in the wall to hang stuff, so I do that too. My wife has just enjoyed being pregnant and not having to do much at all, but she volunteered us to do all the cooking for Christmas. I'm picking up the Honeybaked Ham tonight, heading to the grocery store to get more ingredients, then heading home and making another batch of cookies. The gifts are all already wrapped and we've got no more shopping to do. The 'new man' is just basically a guy who refuses to procrastinate, which means he gets things done before his wife gets a chance.
I have been very lacking in the holiday fevor this year. Yes never really kicked in. Its a first time for me. Its kinda nice. My son and husband sensed my lack of enthusiasm and Helped all they could. My husband actually metioned to my son that maybe he should put up the outdoor lights. The fact that he never actually did the lights is a triffle. No one has to put them away now. I managed to get my son to help me go pick a tree and it took ten minutes. I put it in the stand and put it on a table. We have vaulted ceilings so if even a big one is not on a table then it looks dwarfed in our house. It sat undecorated for a day and my Hubby and son kicked into gear. My tree is tastefully festooned with all of my millions of pairs of 99 cent store reading glasses, deflated ballons, ballpoint pens, Obama buttons, earbuds from all our unused personal electronics of old, a dead seahorse, pieces of torn up dog toys, an air horn and a eight inch set of sharks jaws at the star. I love the holidays.
I have been very lacking in the holiday fevor this year. Yes never really kicked in. Its a first time for me. Its kinda nice. My son and husband sensed my lack of enthusiasm and Helped all they could. My husband actually metioned to my son that maybe he should put up the outdoor lights. The fact that he never actually did the lights is a triffle. No one has to put them away now. I managed to get my son to help me go pick a tree and it took ten minutes. I put it in the stand and put it on a table. We have vaulted ceilings so if even a big one is not on a table then it looks dwarfed in our house. It sat undecorated for a day and my Hubby and son kicked into gear. My tree is tastefully festooned with all of my millions of pairs of 99 cent store reading glasses, deflated ballons, ballpoint pens, Obama buttons, earbuds from all our unused personal electronics of old, a dead seahorse, pieces of torn up dog toys, an air horn and a eight inch set of sharks jaws at the star. I love the holidays.

Cool, what a non traditional traditionalist :clink:
I think it would be fun if people posted a little bit of what they have to do for the Holidays. In my case, my mom got sick (flu) last week, and I said I'd do Christmas Eve. (she was going to).

I'm kind of overwhelmed, but for some reason, I am having fun. It could be because I keep drinking as I'm cooking, wrapping, decorating, etc. I'm just curious what do men do for the Holidays? Because my bf is shopping for my christmas present, and that's all. And my sister-in-law told me it's the same with my brother.

Isn't there a new man who cooks and decorates and stuff? Does anybody know? They call him the new man? The new male?

Well she loves decorating the tree. I take care of the exterior decorations. She also likes to buy the gifts where as I really dislike buying stuff so we just contribute to an xmas fund she can use whenever she wants running up to xmas. For the hosting part she really doesn’t want me touching any of the china setting up tho I will put the extensions in the table and bring the extra chairs into the room, help pick and cook the main dishes, and help clean up after dinner with the other guys. I will also make sure the 18inches of snow is well plowed for parking and the steps are clean and inviting and keep the fire places going. The only gift buying I have to do is for her and sometimes I will also buy something extra on the side for one of my sisters, mother, or father.
Cool, what a non traditional traditionalist :clink:

It will go down as one of our favorite trees no doubt.

Its just us this year and we are really looking forward to the clam of the three of us doing nothing but eating good foods, opening a couple of silly presents and then watching the dog open her many squeaky stuffed toys.