Personally, I don’t care about Tic Toc, don’t use social media and I’m not into young girls dancing, and one can understand how Trump was vehemently against Tic Toc and is now for Tic Toc, obvious he sees a way to turn a buck for himself, never was a principled individual, but how can the GOP now be all for Tic Toc when they themselves eagerly legislatively banned Tic Toc plus their SCOTUS upheld that ban?
When can a President rebuke a law passed by Congress and confirmed by the Supreme Court? Not to mention how Toc Toc was supposedly a serious Chinese threat to America but within one year it isn’t? I thought Trump vowed to take on China?
When can a President rebuke a law passed by Congress and confirmed by the Supreme Court? Not to mention how Toc Toc was supposedly a serious Chinese threat to America but within one year it isn’t? I thought Trump vowed to take on China?