Final election Tally? (Special Ed Goobers Edition)

Mandate 2016

Advantage: Hillary (671,246)





WASHINGTON — A leading Republican lawmaker is calling for investigations into alleged Russian cyberhacks during the US election despite President-elect Donald Trump’s repeated calls for warmer ties with Moscow.
Sen. Lindsey Graham, a South Carolina Republican and one of the chamber’s most experienced foreign policy hands, said the attempt by a foreign country to interfere with the US voting process needs better understanding and a vigorous response.
“Assuming for a moment that we do believe that the Russian government was controlling outside organizations that hacked into our election, they should be punished,” Graham told reporters Tuesday. Referring to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Graham added that, “Putin should be punished.”
Graham, who wants the hearings to examine all Russia’s “misadventures throughout the world,” has the support of colleagues on both sides of the aisle. As other Republicans issued warnings about Russian activities, the hearings could become a source of tension between the GOP and the new President.
“You could see, going forward, a Congress that’s really at loggerheads with the White House on policy toward Russia,” said Angela Stent, director of the Center for Eurasian, Russian and East European Studies at Georgetown University.
Graham, who ran against Trump in the Republican primaries, admitted that “clearly Donald and me have issues.” But he added that he’ll do “everything I can to help him because he will be commander in chief in dangerous times.”
Russia, Graham said, is a “bad actor.”
To that end, Graham said hearings into Russia’s activities should also address Moscow’s annexation of Crimea and interference in Ukraine, its cyberattacks against US allies, and examine whether Russia is guilty of war crimes due to its intervention and bombing campaign in Syria.
Last edited by evince; Yesterday at 05:29 AM.
Hillary did NOT win the popular vote. That's more fake news from the same Media that gave us all those pre-election polls that said trump didn't have a chance.

Trump won the pop vote and if you toss the millions of votes from illegals, it was a landslide.
Hillary did NOT win the popular vote. That's more fake news from the same Media that gave us all those pre-election polls that said trump didn't have a chance.

Trump won the pop vote and if you toss the millions of votes from illegals, it was a landslide.
That's a myth. Some rightist just pulled a number out of their asses. The right lives on a post-truth universe.

1. not relevant; not applicable or pertinent:
His lectures often stray to interesting but irrelevant subjects.
2. Law. (of evidence) having no probative value upon any issue in the case.