Finally! An argument for evolution I can understand.

@ post one

Next time you make a doctor's appointment for an infection, a disease, a life-threatening illness, make sure you demand that the doctor not recommend any treatment or prevention that is based on the principles of evolutionary biology -- tell the doctor you don't believe in any evolution crap.
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@ post one

Next time you make a doctor's appointment for an infection, a disease, a life-threatening illness, make you demand that the doctor not recommend any treatment or prevention that is based on the principles of evolutionary biology -- tell the doctor you don't believe in any evolution crap.
Lol, exactly!
@ post one

Next time you make a doctor's appointment for an infection, a disease, a life-threatening illness, make you demand that the doctor not recommend any treatment or prevention that is based on the principles of evolutionary biology -- tell the doctor you don't believe in any evolution crap.
He is also confirming what we already knew, articles on the issue to over his head, he needs cartoons to understand. Good to know.
He is also confirming what we already knew, articles on the issue to over his head, he needs cartoons to understand. Good to know.

I am amazed actually at how infrequently evolution deniers, climate deniers do not link to reputable and prestigious scientific organizations and sources.

And when I say "infrequently", I am being generous, because I actually mean almost never.

Cartoons, non-peer reviewed articles, and obscure rightwing denier blogs seem to be the crutch they have to rely on.
I am amazed actually at how infrequently evolution deniers, climate deniers do not link to reputable and prestigious scientific organizations and sources.

And when I say "infrequently", I am being generous, because I actually mean almost never.

Cartoons, non-peer reviewed articles, and obscure rightwing denier blogs seem to be the crutch they have to rely on.

Cartoons as science? I always think of Fred Flintstone.
I am amazed actually at how infrequently evolution deniers, climate deniers do not link to reputable and prestigious scientific organizations and sources.

And when I say "infrequently", I am being generous, because I actually mean almost never.

Cartoons, non-peer reviewed articles, and obscure rightwing denier blogs seem to be the crutch they have to rely on.

Reference his thread and comments about vaccines. Same level of ignorance on display.
I am amazed actually at how infrequently evolution deniers, climate deniers do not link to reputable and prestigious scientific organizations and sources.

And when I say "infrequently", I am being generous, because I actually mean almost never.

Cartoons, non-peer reviewed articles, and obscure rightwing denier blogs seem to be the crutch they have to rely on.

You are truly the most arrogant, hectoring sanctimonious arsehole on here. Why anybody takes you seriously is truly beyond me, no wonder Superfreak detests you. I know you read all of this but won't respond, who cares anyway?? Dr. Judith Curry is a world class climatologist unlike that fat fraud Michael Mann and she's just about to publish a major study on sea levels.

Note to Doris: Check what DeSmogBlog has to say, I know you consider it to be the goto site for alarmists.
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He is also confirming what we already knew, articles on the issue to over his head, he needs cartoons to understand. Good to know.

I know that you have little to no understanding of the scientific method or indeed the concept of falsification. No matter if it’s hot or cold, it always has to be global warming. The crazy world of climate alarm. If one follows this logic, there is no single weather condition that could refute the concept. The climate catastrophe model can not be falsified, no matter what the weather. This indeed breaks an important principle of science. But to ensure the well-being of mankind, scientific sacrifices must be made. With autocratic climate rule breaking all the laws of science is standard procedure.