Financial Planner Advises Shorter Life Span


JPP Modarater
TUCSON, AZ—After reviewing his client's income, assets, and personal budget Tuesday, Morgan Stanley financial adviser Henry Dalton determined that Jason Hutchinson, 43, could make the best use of his portfolio by dropping dead at the age of 62 More at link.....
Makes sense to me.
Kinda like drafting those over 50 into the Military to save Social Security and Medicare.
Damn US that is a great idea.

Wars for oil and the like would never get fought.

The old people vote more and are not likely to allow themselves to be sent off to a war for someone elses greed.
Damn US that is a great idea.

Wars for oil and the like would never get fought.

The old people vote more and are not likely to allow themselves to be sent off to a war for someone elses greed.

Yeah. Win win for everybody.

Except the old heads stuck in the desert somewhere.
Yes or a war tax or rationaing for the war would have ended it long ago. Or even showeing pictures of US dead and wounded.
PBS seems to be the only network that even mentions the dead troops.
At least with a name and face.