Firefox 3.5


New member
Anybody else having issues? Mine seems to freeze up when loading the last bit of a page. It will not respond or allow me to change tabs.

When I switch to IE there does not seem to be any problems. Getting a little fed up with it misbehaving.
Anybody else having issues? Mine seems to freeze up when loading the last bit of a page. It will not respond or allow me to change tabs.

When I switch to IE there does not seem to be any problems. Getting a little fed up with it misbehaving.

Why don't you update? The latest version is 3.6.3
:feels stupid:

Duh, okay, yeah I should try that. I must have turned off the notfication that there was an update available.
i like chrome but i need firefox's smart location bar. it's that simple, firefox's location bar owns everything else. so often i forget the website i visited and i can just type a random phrase from the url that i remember and hone in on it.
I use Opera most of the time. It pWns on speed.

I use the lot, but FF is still the best for add-ons and themes. I would probably use Opera more if it supported LastPass, StumbleUpon and Xmarks. Chrome does support all three, but I distrust Google although nowhere near as much as Microsoft. Microsoft have announced that IE 9 won't be supported on XP, they will live to regret that decision.
Chrome is an open source project. "Distrust of Google" is a pretty silly reason to not use a browser.

It has been reported that the Chrome browser and the Chrome OS are potential tools to be used by Google for data mining purposes, that why I distrust them. Especially when they head towards the goal of cloud computing.