firefox FTW



I rock at teh HTMLz. I adapted this script in about ten minutes using another adaptation I made a few weeks ago. I lose track of all the cool shiznit I be creatinz

Only firefox renders the gif animations. Chrome and opera just show the first frame.

I think they must be calling a new image or resetting the image src each iteration instead of just calling the already established image object. Firefox allows me to place the image objects into an array and then call them while they're already running. Chrome and oprera must be creating a new image object and calling the source each time so all you get it the first frame.
do you honestly believe anyone cares about resetting image sources and the creation of new image objects? go back to wire sculptures. those at least had some schizophrenic charm to them.

I rock at teh HTMLz. I adapted this script in about ten minutes using another adaptation I made a few weeks ago. I lose track of all the cool shiznit I be creatinz

Only firefox renders the gif animations. Chrome and opera just show the first frame.

I think they must be calling a new image or resetting the image src each iteration instead of just calling the already established image object. Firefox allows me to place the image objects into an array and then call them while they're already running. Chrome and oprera must be creating a new image object and calling the source each time so all you get it the first frame.

I tried this with Firefox, Chrome and Opera, it doesn't seem work. I tried the original script and that works with all three browsers.