First Step in Launching A Preemptive War Against Iran


Junior Member
Read Today's NY Times people. Here are some excerpts.

"WASHINGTON, Aug. 14 — The Bush administration is preparing to declare that Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps is a foreign terrorist organization, senior administration officials said Tuesday."

"According to European diplomats, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has warned of the move in recent conversations with European counterparts, saying that a delay in efforts to win approval from the United Nations Security Council for further economic sanctions on Iran was leaving the administration with little choice but unilateral action."

"'When we catch you playing a nonconstructive role, there will be a price to pay,'Mr. Bush said of Iran during a news conference on Thursday."

"But in recent months, there has been resurgent debate within the administration about whether the diplomatic path is working, with aides to Vice President Dick Cheney said to be among those pushing for greater consideration of military options."


It goes on and on.
Some Liberal Democrats like Senator Joe Biden want to go further than Bush:

"Sen. Biden believes that the United States must join Europe’s efforts to convince Iran to abandon nuclear programs. If Iran is not convinced he believes we either face Tehran as a nuclear power or at some point, we will need to make a decision to invade the country to prevent and disarm."

With Kosovo, Korea, Nam and Haiti; Democrats have a deep history of starting conflicts.
Biden was just trying to appear to have balls, no brains but balls. Posturing.
Sorry Dano this ins not a demoncratic war initiative.
Biden was just trying to appear to have balls, no brains but balls. Posturing.
Sorry Dano this ins not a demoncratic war initiative.
Well while I can certainly believe your notion that Democrats like to try to appear to have balls and don't use their brains, I still think in this case where he had time to consider his response and made it very detailed, he was very certain of what he was saying.
Some Liberal Democrats like Senator Joe Biden want to go further than Bush:

"Sen. Biden believes that the United States must join Europe’s efforts to convince Iran to abandon nuclear programs. If Iran is not convinced he believes we either face Tehran as a nuclear power or at some point, we will need to make a decision to invade the country to prevent and disarm."

With Kosovo, Korea, Nam and Haiti; Democrats have a deep history of starting conflicts.

Not to mention that quote shows up only one place in a google search - on that .org site dano linked. There's not one other reference to it, which means Dano really had to do some looking and then still couldn't come up with something credible.

That was Dano lying about what Biden said. It was some bloger saying Biden said that, then quotes biden talking about encouraging Iran to sign a non-agression, and doesn't once quote Biden actually saying we need to invade.

Jesus Dano.
Who the fuck let Dano derail this thread with a lie anyway? Back to topic: Administration moves to label Iran's military as a terrorist organization.
Some Liberal Democrats like Senator Joe Biden want to go further than Bush:

"Sen. Biden believes that the United States must join Europe’s efforts to convince Iran to abandon nuclear programs. If Iran is not convinced he believes we either face Tehran as a nuclear power or at some point, we will need to make a decision to invade the country to prevent and disarm."

With Kosovo, Korea, Nam and Haiti; Democrats have a deep history of starting conflicts.

Yeah, the dems are trying to forestall a "soft on national security" attack, by talking tough on IRan while trying to get bush out of Iraq.

It could end up destroying our country in the long run, but hey, as long as you can use it for political points on a message board, no worries, right?
Who the fuck let Dano derail this thread with a lie anyway? Back to topic: Administration moves to label Iran's military as a terrorist organization.

I posted this article too. It looks like a struggle between Rice and Cheney over striking Iran, and she is pushing this in a hope to appease him.

But it's going to backfire, of course.
Yeah, the dems are trying to forestall a "soft on national security" attack, by talking tough on IRan while trying to get bush out of Iraq.

It could end up destroying our country in the long run, but hey, as long as you can use it for political points on a message board, no worries, right?
Obama talked about going invading nuclear Pakistan and they are much friendlier than Iran and Obama is still doing way better than Biden in the polls, so why would I trust Dems to be foreign policy doves?

Again, Kosovo, Nam, Korea and Haiti, all American involvement started by Dem presidents.
Again, Kosovo, Nam, Korea and Haiti, all American involvement started by Dem presidents.

I see you have changed the wording a bit there Dano :)