Flat Earthers


Willin to be Chillin
I keep occasionally seeing this, especially on Imgur.... Are there really people who think the earth is flat?

I thought the whole thing was a prank, but it just keeps going. You have to be below dumb to think the earth is flat.
Sadly, Truth Detector's next Sermon, will be about why the Earth is Flat. Anyone with a different opinion will be met by a dozen pictures of distressed people, and TD calling everyone a 'Moron'.
Sadly, Truth Detector's next Sermon, will be about why the Earth is Flat. Anyone with a different opinion will be met by a dozen pictures of distressed people, and TD calling everyone a 'Moron'.

I highly doubt that shit blender.
Oh, yes. There are actually quite a number of people who believe that the earth is flat. I agree, anyone who believes that would have to be astonishingly stupid.
I keep occasionally seeing this, especially on Imgur.... Are there really people who think the earth is flat?

I thought the whole thing was a prank, but it just keeps going. You have to be below dumb to think the earth is flat.
They have a new religion, climate change denial.
They have a new religion, climate change denial.

I hope the PCCS gets up and running soon, they can then haul alarmists like Gavin Schmidt, Michael Mann and James Hansen to give testimony. Hopefully it will put an end to lunatics like you using language designed deliberately to evoke the Holocaust. I frankly don't understand how you arseholes get away with it, considering the Left goes bloody apeshit over all manner of grammar infractions.
I keep occasionally seeing this, especially on Imgur.... Are there really people who think the earth is flat?

I thought the whole thing was a prank, but it just keeps going. You have to be below dumb to think the earth is flat.

It's not a prank, people actually believe this.

I was watching a video of model rocketeers who build these rockets that skirt the edge of the stratosphere, and even with those, you can clearly see the curvature of the planet. Flat earthers are morons.