Florida hunter bags DINOSAUR

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls

article says 80 years old and 900 pounds.

Shot with a 7mm STW cartridge, a wildcat cartridge made by hunters themselves. I've never shot one but from the ballistics it appears to be significantly more potent than the 30-06, our standard deer cartridge.
There is a big thread on this at freerepublic and many people there say the same. Gators are very common in the south and they are killers. Have little fear of man.

A few years ago, a little 2 year old boy from Nebraska was with his dad in shallow water near the edge of a lake that was part of a luxury resort hotel at Disney World.

Fucking gator launched up out of nowhere, grabbed the kid and took him under.

Just like that.

Gone in a split second.

Do they taste like a chicken? That's what I really want to know. I've never tried the gator meat.

I've had it before but a long time ago when I was a teenager.

I recall it was white meat but a bit grainier than chicken.

Tasted pretty good though.

There is a county drainage canal that runs behind the neighborhood I grew up in....


One day some friends were out there with their shotguns when they saw a 10½ ft gator. They shot and killed it, but it was so big they couldn't drag it up the bank. So they went to one of the kids' houses up the street and got his mom's station wagon. Drove out there via a dirt road that runs alongside the canal, tied it to the frame of the car, pulled it out and got it into the back with most of it hanging out and drove it to another guy's house with its tail dragging the ground.

Took off the tail, skinned it, dressed out the hide on a piece of plywood and cooked up all the tail meat.

I saw the torso skin tacked out on the plywood.

It covered the entire sheet.

Don't know what they ever did with the skin, but the guy whose house it was at was a jewelry maker so I imagine he made some belts out of some of it.

One of my childhood memories.
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