Florida teen in wheelchair tries to stand...


Florida teen in wheelchair tries to stand when American flag passes by


Arek Trenholm may have spina bifida, but that didn’t stop the Florida teenager from standing as the American flag passed by him, making it the first time he’s tried to stand in seven years.
In a photo snapped by his professional photographer uncle Myron Leggett, Trenholm, 16, can be seen propping himself up on his wheelchair in the upright position as the junior ROTC color guard approaches with the Stars and Stripes during a local high school’s homecoming parade.
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Leggett posted the photo on Facebook, and his caption was a call-out of sorts to San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick and others who have knelt during the national anthem as a sign of protest.
"He’s making that effort, where so many that have legs, that could stand, are sitting or kneeling," Legget*told*WOFL. "And not using their ‘well legs’ to stand and respect those who have fought and died for our flag and for our country."
and so is the right to protest

I personally would never sit or kneel during the national anthem since I have too much repeat for it due to family in the military and all that they do for us, but yes it's completely within someone's right to protest how they see fit even if that means kneeling during the national anthem. I don't agree with it, but I respect that right.
they are not the flag

That doesn't change my opinion. I'll always stand when the anthem is played as a show of respect for all those that are willing to give their life and have given their life for our freedoms. It's bigger than me.