Flushing the vermin

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
Republican staffer resigns from North Carolina legislature after white supremacist comments surface

The Charlotte Observer is reporting that a policy staffer from the House Speaker's office has resigned after appearing on a "pro-white" radio show called "The Political Cesspool."

An anonymous tip with records was sent to reporters about staffer Carlton Huffman, who was working for North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore.

The show's website boasts an "unapologetically pro-White viewpoint" that aims "to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races."

He was a contributor author and guest, said the Observer and appeared throughout the 2010s. He has ranted about "over 150 years of attempted cultural genocide" that the South has managed to resist. He ranted against the integration of the University of Mississippi as "a very long fall from grace."

Remember when Republicans used dog whistles? At the time, I did not realize I would one day think those were the good old days.
Dehumanization is a mental loophole that lets us harm other people
Thousands of years ago, humans would have felt a pang of anxiety when they saw the silhouette of a foreign tribe marching over a hill. We still have that anxiety inside of us today. Often “people’s spontaneous, knee-jerk reactions to other people who are dramatically different from them is negative,” says Susan Fiske, a psychologist at Princeton University and a leading expert on prejudice. This is especially true when we have quick, minimal exposure to them — as we do today via the media. These thin slices activate the us-versus-them conflict encoded in our minds since the dawn of humanity.

Look back at some of the most tragic episodes in human history and you will find words and images that stripped people of their basic human traits. In the Nazi era, the film The Eternal Jew depicted Jews as rats. During the Rwandan genocide, Hutu officials called Tutsis “cockroaches” that needed to be cleared out.

In the wake of World War II, psychologists wanted to understand how the genocide had happened. And we got Stanley Milgram’s infamous electroshock experiment, which showed how quickly people cave to authority. There was also Philip Zimbardo’s “prison experiment,” which showed how easily people in positions of power can abuse others. At Stanford, Albert Bandura, showed that when participants overhear an experimenter call another study subject “an animal,” they’re more likely to give that subject a painful shock. If you think of murder and torture as universally taboo, then dehumanization of the “other” is a psychological loophole that can justify them.

From these experiments, and those that followed, it became clear that “it’s extremely easy to turn down someone’s ability to see someone else in their full humanity,” says Adam Waytz, a psychologist at Northwestern University who studies how people think about minds and collaborates with Kteily
Republican staffer resigns from North Carolina legislature after white supremacist comments surface

The Charlotte Observer is reporting that a policy staffer from the House Speaker's office has resigned after appearing on a "pro-white" radio show called "The Political Cesspool."

An anonymous tip with records was sent to reporters about staffer Carlton Huffman, who was working for North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore.

The show's website boasts an "unapologetically pro-White viewpoint" that aims "to revive the White birthrate above replacement level fertility and beyond to grow the percentage of Whites in the world relative to other races."

He was a contributor author and guest, said the Observer and appeared throughout the 2010s. He has ranted about "over 150 years of attempted cultural genocide" that the South has managed to resist. He ranted against the integration of the University of Mississippi as "a very long fall from grace."


Has his alleged "white supremacy" ever negatively impacted another human being besides offending one of you pussies?