Flying, massive, spazzy cockroaches


Worst gambler ever
Life in Hawaii is great, save for the flying pestilence. These things are huge, huge, and their wings make a clicking sound when they fly. Their sense of direction is awful, and you can tell just by looking at them that their intentions are sinister.

This is only slightly larger than life size, They're up to 4 inches, I know because I measured one that dies inbetween my weights on my benchpress.

Hmm, that thing looks as though it would have your arm off in a second, given half a chance.

Previously, i had thought of Hawaii as a rather attractive holiday destination but now i'm beginning to wonder if my mental image of a tropical idyll should be inter-cut with scenes from Starship Troopers.
Yeah had those in FL, imports from the far east I think. they are not shy like regular roaches either.

We need balance of trade. Need to send the 30% of republicans that still love Bush to the far east to balance things out.
Bugs that stay on the ground are not problem for me.

But when those big fuckers take flight its a whole new ballgame. Hated those things when I lived in FL.
That is one ugly bug. Have you had lizards in your bedroom yet?

Yeah, there's 4 or 5 geckos that come out every night, and one of those lizards that fluffs up its neck when its trying to get some pussy. I don't mind them though, they keep to themselves and eat flying insects, and they're small and cute. they never bother people either. But they do make that annoying clicking sound every 20 minutes or so.

I'll take those little guys over any flying insect any day of the week.
Yeah, there's 4 or 5 geckos that come out every night, and one of those lizards that fluffs up its neck when its trying to get some pussy. I don't mind them though, they keep to themselves and eat flying insects, and they're small and cute. they never bother people either. But they do make that annoying clicking sound every 20 minutes or so.

I'll take those little guys over any flying insect any day of the week.

Do they try to push car insurance on you?