Foley Got Laid


Junior Member
Finally some sex in this sex scandal! Foley did get some. Okay from a 21 year old who won't give his name and sure there is no proof or source but it's on the front page of the LA Times so it must be true!

>The former page, who agreed to discuss his relationship with Foley with the Los Angeles Times on the condition that he not be identified, said his electronic correspondence with Foley began after he finished the respected Capitol Hill page program for high school juniors. His sexual encounter was in the fall of 2000, he said. At the time, he was 21 and a graduate of a rural Northeastern college,0,3896853.story
Poor toby, my main man, things must have reached a sad end when you make a post and you are the only person replying to it in two days...well fear not underdog, I still read your homophobic rants and anti-pc tripe. Keep it up my man, don't let the fact that I'm alone get you down, at least you've got me. But one more "f" word reference and I may be forced to impose a boycott or worse a blockade.
Poor toby, my main man, things must have reached a sad end when you make a post and you are the only person replying to it in two days...well fear not underdog, I still read your homophobic rants and anti-pc tripe. Keep it up my man, don't let the fact that I'm alone get you down, at least you've got me. But one more "f" word reference and I may be forced to impose a boycott or worse a blockade.
No luxury goods for toby, huh?
Poor toby, my main man, things must have reached a sad end when you make a post and you are the only person replying to it in two days...well fear not underdog, I still read your homophobic rants and anti-pc tripe. Keep it up my man, don't let the fact that I'm alone get you down, at least you've got me. But one more "f" word reference and I may be forced to impose a boycott or worse a blockade.
oHHHH! nOOOOES! Tobes, be careful, no more mentioning Foley, he'll blockade ya!

:D [/dry humor]