Foleys buddies all getting caught :rolleyes:


Villified User
Feds Net 125 Nationwide in Kid-Porn Case

Associated Press Writer

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader were among 125 people arrested nationwide in an Internet child pornography case in which subscribers purchased photos and videos of children engaged in sex acts with adults, federal authorities said Wednesday.

The case originated in New Jersey, but quickly spread to 22 states. The defendants were charged with either possession or receipt of child pornography. Additional arrests are expected.


Just kidding about them being Foleys buddies, but who knows? Boy Scout leader and bible camp counsellor sound like republicans to me ;)
Feds Net 125 Nationwide in Kid-Porn Case

Associated Press Writer

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- A Bible camp counselor and a Boy Scout leader were among 125 people arrested nationwide in an Internet child pornography case in which subscribers purchased photos and videos of children engaged in sex acts with adults, federal authorities said Wednesday.

The case originated in New Jersey, but quickly spread to 22 states. The defendants were charged with either possession or receipt of child pornography. Additional arrests are expected.


Just kidding about them being Foleys buddies, but who knows? Boy Scout leader and bible camp counsellor sound like republicans to me ;)

In 1980, the ACLU filed suit seeking to remold the Scouts into an organization more to its liking. Claiming that the Scouts constituted a "public accommodation" for the purpose of state and local civil rights laws, the ACLU brought a discrimination suit against the Scouts on behalf of a troop leader excluded from membership after he took a male date to his senior prom.