'Follow Me'...............

'Tell laura I Love Her'....Ray Peterson...dedicated to Laura from GW...***sigh*** what a guy...gotta love the Administation straight and true...

Laura called in to dedicate...'Baby it's You'...The Shirelles now thats love guys and girls...makes my heart flutter...

Hey I know all those! I must be old! :D

then for your honesty ...I will dedicate...'Fever' The McCoys to you at 5:00pm when I close out...not as old a little newer to make you feel younger...lol

Disclaimer...don't take this wrong now like some in here do...it was in jest...kay?
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then for your honesty ...I will dedicate...'Fever' The McCoys to you at 5:00pm when I close out...not as old a little newer to make you feel younger...lol

Disclaimer...don't take this wrong now like some in here do...it was in jest...kay?

I remember Peggy Lee singing it but not The McCoys but thanks anyway

I'm 57 and sometimes I feel 90 and sometimes I feel numb :D
Of Course not.............

I was told I'd get more conservative as I got older.......not happening :D

You forgot to burn your 'Bell Bottoms' and tye died shirts when the girls burned thier bra's..dah...no wonder Australia is called 'Down Under' Get a grip dude and move into the 21st Century..The 'Outback' is just a restaurant with a cute name..does not mean the food is great...lol