Food/Recipe forum

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
we need one.

i am a legend at creating mexican meals. tonight, i made shredded chicken tacos. my neighbor, who is lily white and eats pretty much nothing but white honky food, loved my tacos.
Yurt's great salsa.*

5 roma tomatoes
4 jalapeños
1-2 garlic cloves

1 comal

blacken tomatoes and jalapeños over comal. tomatoes, until half or most of the skin is cracking. place them immediately in cold water. take as much skin off as possible, cut in half and put in food processor. leave jalapeños on, turning every few minutes until really, really blackened. place jalapeños in zip lock baggie or other air tight container for approximately 5 minutes. take them out, cut heads off, cut in half, then run under cold water, take off blackened skin and deseed them. place in food processor.

salt to taste. muy bueno!

*base recipe given to me by a lady from oregon who married a mexican and opened a mexican/american store in dallas oregon. i add one jalepeno and do not worry about taking off all the skin on the tomato. the store sold furniture, pots/pans, comals and stuff, it went out of business as i predicted, location people, location....!
im just not sure if it would be use very much. although I too like food a lot. eating food is something i try to undertake daily
im just not sure if it would be use very much. although I too like food a lot. eating food is something i try to undertake daily

as if the war zone, head to head debates are used very much.....

its a forum for us all to put our recipes. it doesn't matter if it isn't used much, it adds value to the forum.
did grind die? what does damo think? maybe damo thinks if we add a food forum that we will become like all the other boards, losing our uniqueness, our specialness......
I'm all for it. We can include drinking recipes in it. I know a couple people here micro brew and I'm about to get into it, plus I have the most bad ass moonshine recipe in the world.