Food safety checks down 47% in 3 years


Villified User
Food safety checks down 47% in 3 years
By Andrew Bridges And Seth Borenstein

WASHINGTON - The federal agency that's been front and center in warning the public about tainted spinach and contaminated peanut butter is conducting just half the food safety inspections it did three years ago.

The cuts by the Food and Drug Administration come despite a barrage of high-profile food recalls.

"We have a food safety crisis on the horizon," said Michael Doyle, director of the Center for Food Safety at the University of Georgia.

Between 2003 and 2006, FDA food safety inspections dropped 47 percent, according to a database analysis of federal records by The Associated Press.

That's not all that's dropping at the FDA in terms of food safety. The analysis also shows:

• There are 12 percent fewer FDA employees in field offices who concentrate on food issues.

• Safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year, said the agency's own statistics.
Oh yeah, we have not even begun to measure the cost in illness and death, of the Republicans dismantling of government.

sometimes I like to fantsize that like, Jenna Bush will eat a bad hamburger someday, and die of mad cow, you know?

Gosh, that would be poetic. When it starts costing them their own, then this will change. When it's just Joe or Barbara schumoko, they don't care. We're expendable. Very expendable.
Can't let lives get in the way of profit now can we.

this is just deregulation thru reduced funding. A common Republican tactic.
It has always been that way Darla. Train safety got no attention till a bunch of big wheels were killed in a train wreck. Lifeboats and such got more attention after a bunch of rich folks died on the titanic, etc...
Many people were killed just this last year with the several ecoli outbreaks in spinach and the reduction in inspections is what lead to this....

I despise these people so much...God forgive me for bearing this disgust for them....i just can't release it.... :(
Many people were killed just this last year with the several ecoli outbreaks in spinach and the reduction in inspections is what lead to this....

I despise these people so much...God forgive me for bearing this disgust for them....i just can't release it.... :(

I feel the same way. I've tried drinking, the patch, frequent masturbation, nothing works. I'm still frustrated.

The only difference is, I think...I don't feel guilty about it! These people should be despised! They kill people.

I feel the same way. I've tried drinking, the patch, frequent masturbation, nothing works. I'm still frustrated.

The only difference is, I think...I don't feel guilty about it! These people should be despised! They kill people.


I'm torn over it, because on the one hand I should not hate and should forgive others...., but on the other hand, I AM suppose to HATE the beast (the antichrist, the anti peace, anti love and anti human deceiver) and those that follow him.... in the book of Revelation! ;) lol
