APP - For all of the Never Trumpers out there

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I hear a lot of hand wringing about how Trump was the worst candidate the GOP could have nominated and had they nominated ANYONE but Trump, that individual would be trouncing Crooked Hillary today.

So let's talk through this from an Electoral Map perspective.

We will go with Kasich and Bush, since they are obviously the most "acceptable" Republicans to the board RINOS and the board left. I still would have preferred Cruz, but we will leave him out of this discussion

Please tell me from an Electoral Map perspective how Kasich or Bush gets to 270 any easier than Trump?

Here is the 2012 map showing where Romney won. Romney only got 206 Electoral Votes. He lost Ohio and Florida. Now let's give Bush/Kasich Florida and Ohio as it looks today like Trump wins those. That gets Bush/Kasich to 253 Electoral votes. Where do they find the other 17? What states?
I am very disappointed. I really thought I would be treated to some expert analysis on how Bush or Kasich would have trounced Crooked Hillary in the Electoral College. Oh well