For all you ladies out there tonight...


Well-known member
Enuff corona, enuff anger, enuff infighting, enuff of the bad for awhile. Just kickin back after having a nice meal and me and MY lady are getting ready to have a couple cocktails! Thinking about all the women in my life....Wife, Daughters, Mother, friends, family.....

LOVE this version,... video is awesome......

For the record......There is nothing, well...almost nothing we citizens can do about it " corona", Might as well get on with enjoying life. Actually LIVING it instead of huddling inside like scared children. What will be will be,.... at least go down doing what is right and good.
For the record......There is nothing, well...almost nothing we citizens can do about it " corona", Might as well get on with enjoying life. Actually LIVING it instead of huddling inside like scared children. What will be will be,.... at least go down doing what is right and good.

Righty tough talk, but Corona is a nasty way to go. Your lungs fill up with mucus and liquids. If you survive you often get permanent lung damage.
Someone doesn't remember history. There's plenty we can do and that's what we are doing as a nation. We need to contain things while we find that vaccine. If we throw caution to the wind at this point we well could bring about a nationwide collapse as we can't get anything under control and we lose what safety we have. Don't whine about feeling stuck because if you go out and get it you will be stuck and you won't be free like you are now.
Enuff corona, enuff anger, enuff infighting, enuff of the bad for awhile. Just kickin back after having a nice meal and me and MY lady are getting ready to have a couple cocktails! Thinking about all the women in my life....Wife, Daughters, Mother, friends, family.....

LOVE this version,... video is awesome......

Great video. My wife pulled a great trick on me yesterday. She wanted to paint the kitchen, dining and living room. I had a long week at work and the last thing I wanted to do was a day long painting project. So I told my wife I’d go to Home Depot with her to buy the painting supplies but she could do the painting. I wanted to rest. To my surprise she agreed. So we went to Home Depot and got the painting supplies.

I then told her I was going to take a nap while she got to work. The evil genius then said “Well let me change into something good for painting first and then help me move the kitchen table. That’s all I need you to help me with then you can take your nap.

She then came down stairs wearing a halter top and a pair of black bikini bottoms. All of a sudden I felt like painting.

Women can be evil like that...we painted till 11 pm.