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Smokers told to quit or surgery will be refused
By DAN NEWLING - More by this author » Last updated at 16:02pm on 4th June 2007

Smokers are to be denied operations on the Health Service unless they give up cigarettes for at least four weeks beforehand.

Doctors will police the rule by ordering patients to take a blood test to prove they have not been smoking.

The ruling, authorised by Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, comes after medical research conclusively showed smokers take longer to recover from surgery.

It is thought that 500,000 smokers a year will be affected.

However patients' groups argue that the move is about the NHS saving money rather than improving patient care
This is shocking! Bloody anti-smoking smug bastards, looking down on people for smoking then climbing into their four by fours and kicking out far more pollution than I ever will with my cigarette.

Smoking in enclosed public places is going to be banned in the UK this year. I might send my MP a turd in the post in protest.
Why don't they make people give up drinking before operations, drinking causes just as many complications...

Of course, that might because Britain is a nation of binge drinkers, and people would be on the streets.

I don't hit women, but if I ever see Patricia Hewitt in the street I'd be seriously tempted to clothesline the bitch....
Well, there's a very simple solution for that here in America.

"WTF? You won't operate? Loon."

Then you head over to ANOTHER hospital and get the surgery.

I hear the same dude runs all of your hospitals, though :(.
We have private healthcare too, but that is beside the point.

The NHS wasn't designed to descriminate. Why are they pointing to smokers, when drinkers, bloaters, drivers etc all cause more problems.

Being anti-smoker is just to justify the smug self satisfaction of middleclass morons.
Well, there's a very simple solution for that here in America.

"WTF? You won't operate? Loon."

Then you head over to ANOTHER hospital and get the surgery.

I hear the same dude runs all of your hospitals, though :(.

Umm if your HMO or whatever type of insurance you have will allow you to go to the other hospital.....
We are not nearly as free on our meidcal care choices in the USA as some would appear to think.
Well, there's a very simple solution for that here in America.

"WTF? You won't operate? Loon."

Then you head over to ANOTHER hospital and get the surgery.

I hear the same dude runs all of your hospitals, though :(.
It isn't the hospitals refusing the surgeries, it is the insurance companies refusing to cover the extra recovery time that smoking brings along with it.

If your insurance won't cover it at one hopsital, you will find they equally will not cover it at another.
It isn't the hospitals refusing the surgeries, it is the insurance companies refusing to cover the extra recovery time that smoking brings along with it.

If your insurance won't cover it at one hopsital, you will find they equally will not cover it at another.
Yep it is the insurance company be it the govt or private.

Obesity is now neck and neck with Cig smoking as cause of death.
The "weight tax" is coming soon in some form....