For Asshat


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I figured he'd find something to say:

Three more Jewish Nobel winners: Thanks, America

Posted on October 16th, 2007 at 11:30 am by Meryl Yourish.

Yesterday, I wondered how many of the three winners of the Nobel prize in economics were Jewish.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science to Leonid Hurwicz, 90 years old, a retired professor at the University of Minnesota, who told reporters he thought his chances at the honor had faded; Eric S. Maskin, 56, of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J.; and Roger B. Myerson, 56, of the University of Chicago.

The answer: All of them. I’m not quite sure why Wikipedia finds it important to point out in the first sentence of a biography whether you were “born to a Jewish family.” (I have yet to find a reference to someone being “born to a Christian family” or “born to a Muslim family,” but hey, perhaps it’s not nearly as important to know if someone was a Christian or a Muslim than it is to know they are Jewish.) Digressions aside, all three of our boys are Jews. In fact, they’re all three American Jews.

That makes 155 Jewish Nobel prize winners in total, most of them American Jews. And of the ones who were born in other countries, well, a large percentage of them wound up here, too. Europe has been giving itself a lobotomy, as they say, for many, many years.

Hurwicz was born in 1917 to a Jewish family from Poland, World War I refugees from the Congress Kingdom displaced to Moscow, a few months before the October Revolution. Shortly thereafter, the family returned to Warsaw. In 1938 he received his LL.M. degree from Warsaw University. In 1939 he studied at the London School of Economics, then went to Geneva and studied at the Graduate Institute of International Studies.[5] After World War II began, he was forced to move to Portugal, and finally in 1940 to the United States.[6] He continued his studies at Harvard University and the University of Chicago.[7] His parents and brother fled Warsaw, only to be arrested and sent to Soviet labor camps.

People talk about the brain drain of various nations’ top scientists and doctors coming to the U.S. because here’s where the action is. But let’s not forget the incredible addition of talent America has received due to the persecution of European Jewry for the last few centuries. The waves of Jewish immigrants from Europe brought America a lot more than the Hollywood studio system. It brought us top scientists, thinkers, doctors, technologists, and authors.

This is what I like to call an in-your-face moment for the David Dukes of the world. The convicted felon, whose only contribution to the world is the spread of hatred and bigotry, goes to Iran to be feted by his fellow bigots at the Holocaust denial conference, while back in America, the Jews that Duke hates so much are working hard at their respective crafts, and being recognized by the rest of the world for the valuable contributions they make. The fact that envy makes up a great part of the world’s Jew-hatred simply cannot be denied.

But there’s one country that has never expelled her Jews. And while there has been (and continues to be) anti-Semitism in America, there have never been pogroms, and Jews are safer, more protected, and more a part of society in America than they have ever been in Europe.

So let’s hear it for America, the nation where Jews have carved out one of our greatest successes since Biblical times. Let’s celebrate the nation of true diversity, not the faux diversity that is the European Union.

And while we’re on the subject of America: Two more Americans won the Nobel prize in medicine. Add five more Americans to the tally, one who was born in Italy, and the other in Great Britain. Our nation of immigrants just keeps on truckin’.
What messiah ?
that is new testament stuff, Jews are old testament.
the old testament messiah was just mostly to deliver them from the Romans.
Is AHZ still banging on about the Jews like a mad old deranged aunt?

Look at two of the most dangerous leaders on Earth, Bush and Putin. Neither of those are Jews....
The contents of the talmud are a recipe for subjugation and theocracy.

Judaism is a race cult. If you can't see the inherent racism of the notion of "God's chosen people" then you're dense.

Jews believe in a concept called Olam Ha Ba, The world to come. In the world to come a fully human messiah, moshiach, will come to rule the world under the noahide laws, laws from the talmud for jew and non jew alike. Most perplexing however is that jews are commanded to unify the world under the noahide laws PRIOR TO the arrival of moshiach. In olam ha ba, all jews will become instantly gifted with complete knowledge of torah. they will be a nation of priests, ruling the noahide theocratic world. Amen.

An article justifying jewish world dictatorial theocracy.
Why should we want a dictatorial monarchy in the 21st century and regard that as utopia?

In Judaism the idea of a monarch is totally different from its secular counterpart. But before getting to that, let's discuss why democracy is not sufficient to reach perfection.

Recent history has demonstrated that no system of government is perfect. It's just that we do not have anything better. G-d has promised us, however, that the monarchy of Moshiach will have all the benefits of a monarchy without any of its potential for abuse. People now embrace a democracy only because they cannot formulate a superior system.

If we were to search for a form of government superior to a democracy or a republic, we would have to fantasize the following form of government: One in which every person's needs are taken care of; where people are not punished, because they have no desire to violate the laws; they have all they want; where there is no scintilla of corruption. The one catch is that occasionally, the leader will "order" the people to do something which they know, ahead of time, is in their best interests, although they might not comprehend that at the time.

In fact, such a system exists even now within certain segments of society. Let's cite one example parenting. When a parent shows concern, warmth, love and devotion to his children, even when he tells the child to do something that the child does not want to do, he will nevertheless comply. The child knows that the parent is telling him to do that particular thing, not for the parent's self-interest, but out of love and concern for him.

This is the type of government that Moshiach will run, one in which everyone will genuinely feel that Moshiach acts only in the best interests of all of the people.1

Moshiach, as all true Jewish leaders of the past, is more than a role model. Moshiach is the "head" of all the Jews. His soul serves the same role in relation to all of the Jews, as does the head in relation to the rest of the body.2 When the brain sends a signal to the arm that it be raised, one would not say that the arm was forced into doing something against its will.

On the contrary, when the arm does something contrary to the will of the brain, we would say that there is a serious deficiency preventing the arm from connecting to the brain. A healthy limb does precisely as it has been told by the brain, and that is its true will.

Similarly, Moshiach will coordinate the people so that they do what they really want to do. Even today, the "head" of the generation provides energy to all, although it may not be felt. Today we are like limbs which do not always function in consonance with the dictates of the brain. With Moshiach's full revelation, we will all act in harmony with our true desires.

But doesn't monarchy deprive us of freedom?

Let us analyze what kind of freedom we have today. We live in a world where we assimilate only a fraction of what the brain is capable. By definition, then, we do not have free choice, since our choices are severely limited.

Imagine a person who's told he can have an orange or an apple to eat. The fact that thousands of other foods are denied him, or that he is unaware of them, renders the choice of an orange or an apple, meaningless. It is hardly a choice.

On the other hand, to extend every choice to all would render choice impossibly complex. In short, the limited options we have, while facilitating choice, do not provide free choice. When Moshiach ushers in the Messianic Age, we will be exposed to dimensions of existence, spiritual and G-dly awareness, which will broaden our horizons and give us infinitely more choices. Armed with this newly acquired knowledge, our choices will be so different.

Moshiach, then, should be viewed, among other things, as the leader who will introduce us to a wider array of options, and as a result, enable us to make more informed and sophisticated choices. What we have today is hardly freedom, since most of life's experiences as well as the realization of truth is withheld from us.

With the Geulah ushered in by Moshiach, we will have infinitely more choices. The few limitations imposed on us by the Torah and Moshiach, who will be our authority in matters of Jewish law and behavior, will make it possible for us to have all those new choices that we were deprived of before Moshiach.

Moshiach is not a despot, a dictatorial and authoritarian monarch who cares only for his own glory and who can satisfy any whim or desire. A king, as much as, and even more than anyone else must conform to the Torah. A king must carry a Sefer Torah with him at all times. A king has more restrictions than a commoner does, in terms of his possessions3 In addition, a king must be the most humble person in his kingdom. Only the monarch had to prostrate himself throughout the entire Amidah.4

If in the past, there were Jewish kings who behaved differently, it was because they did not live up to the requirements of a true Jewish monarch. They violated the Torah's dictates. However, the promise of Moshiach is that he will be what a monarch is supposed to be. Moshiach will live at a time when most of the evil will have already been removed from the world; the world will have been refined, except for vestigial traces of evil, which Moshiach will eliminate.
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Ohh Weakopeedia.

Hmm some other semetic types that do not like joos, no suprise there considering the AHZ source.