For Bob - Vista stuff


Villified User
Hi Bob, I put Vista back in my HP laptop, pretty strange stuff, looks like they tried to hide a bunch of the settings and such and I saw the needs permission to run this you mentioned. what a piece of crap that is looking for how to turn it off. Plan of getting a Vista book next week, I hope O'reilly has a book on it .

How are your vista experiences going ?
You can turn user account control off and you won't get those permission messages anymore. But it will leave your computer vulnerable. EVERY modern operating system has some sort of UAC type protection. Windows is a bit too talkative. But you've got to learn to live with it or get virus's changing around your files and such (in case you were wondering, that's what it's there for, it's not evil Microsoft trying to be evil for the purpose of it).

And there are no "hidden" settings. Ask me where a setting is and I'll tell you where it is. If anything, the operating system has more settings than Windows XP, which was a very hand holding operating system.

I personally use the classic control panel, though. I did the same thing in XP. Navigating those menus is confusing, I'd rather have direct access.