For Darla, Froggie . . . and Whomever


I've been meaning to bring this up for some time. I can't ever read this woman's work without thinking of you two. I wonder why? :D

She's Violet Blue, a columnist for my local pager and a blogger of considerable note. Now she's got San Francisco values. It seems that she's also won the attention of no less than Forbes magazine. to wit . . .
Web Celebs and My Rainbow-Flag Bikini

Violet Blue, Special to SF Gate
Thursday, February 1, 2007

Last week it was the usual routine: I climbed out of bed over the mountain of dildos and still-buzzing vibrators, cleared a path through the piles of discarded porn stars, stirred my morning coffee with a Hitachi Magic Wand and set the cup atop a tower of hard-core DVDs, slipped into an edible rainbow-flag bikini and checked my e-mail. To my happy surprise, there were e-mails from all over congratulating me for making the Forbes Top 25 Web Celebs list! A click away and there I was, smiling from the digital pages of Forbes. And I thought: "Yay. People have grown up about sex, and about people who write about sex. They're starting to see that it's normal and healthy and not wrong. Women like me can write about anything -- and sex -- and punch through the contrived media stigmas that keep anything sex-related stuck in the 'sex ghetto.'"
. . .

Granted, I'm only one of four women who made the list, and TWiT's lineup this week of LaPorte, John Dvorak, Patrick Norton and Robert Heron had little nice to say about the list or about the women on it. The whole podcast has an old-techie Moose Lodge feel to it: They even spend a minute making fun of one woman's name. But when John Dvorak asks, "Violet Blue, who's that?" Leo LaPorte answers, "She's that ... porn person." "Oh," Dvorak responds. "I ran into her once ... mumble, mumble, mumble."
. . .
John Dvorak, Patrick Norton ? did not realize those guys were still around...have to check on them. Thought they were early casualties in the death of Tech TV.
I've been meaning to bring this up for some time. I can't ever read this woman's work without thinking of you two. I wonder why? :D

She's Violet Blue, a columnist for my local pager and a blogger of considerable note. Now she's got San Francisco values. It seems that she's also won the attention of no less than Forbes magazine. to wit . . .

I've never heard of her Ornot, but I'll check her blog later today. She sounds pretty funny.