APP - for dixie


patriot and widower
You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.

however, in your case please follow the first sentence only and forget the parachute
The APP board is for intellectual debates of substance, not flamefests. I don't know what has caused your anger toward me, all I did was respond to your post about carbonic acid in the ocean. I presented a very reasonable common sense fact for consideration, and apparently, it made you mad. Sorry, I hate that you don't like what I said and can't find a reasonable response, but that is no reason to come to this board and post a smear thread.
The APP board is for intellectual debates of substance, not flamefests. I don't know what has caused your anger toward me, all I did was respond to your post about carbonic acid in the ocean. I presented a very reasonable common sense fact for consideration, and apparently, it made you mad. Sorry, I hate that you don't like what I said and can't find a reasonable response, but that is no reason to come to this board and post a smear thread.

i find your use of profanity offensive and thought it would not be used on this board which is why i am here