Hey Goonzo! I was going through some posts, and then it hit me: You're one of these geeks that probably doesn't have a girlfreind, spends all his time on the Internet, and "Becoming a College Professor" Haaaahahahahaha! You always stay calm, cool and collected, because you don't CARE about anything beyond YOURSELF. I bet you have NO children. You care about what happens for the 70-or-so years until you're dead, and that's IT.
Let me ask you, gonzo, have you EVER CARED about something enough, that you were willing to FIGHT for it?
Are you a Religious man?
How do you FEEL, when over a MILLION Unborn Babies are CHOPPED UP, LIKE IN A BLENDER, by the Powerful Vacuums used in Abortion Mills? Have you ever SEEN a 3-month unborn baby, grasping at the doctor's gloved finger? I have.
I have heard some here make reference to the fact that you are NOT Liberal. Would you call yourself a Conservative, or are you a "Centrist", one of those pussies that sits atop the fence and can't take a STAND on anything. Those "Centrists", not like all of us, who have things we pick and choose, Left and Right, but those who are AFRAID to take a FIRM stand on ANYTHING?
Let me ask you this: Have you EVER HEARD of someone having his OWN ideas, his OWN thoughts of Political, Idealogical, and Philisophical Theories, and someone ELSE having one or more of those SAME ideas and thoughts? Or is that too hard to wrap your selfish little judgemental mind around?
Personally, I care MORE about a Pimple on My Ass, than I do about what YOU think, about where MY ideas come from. But for the Record, I can swear on my child's well-being, that I have NEVER heard, or read, an article or speech by Ann Coulter, where she asked HOW can Liberals and Democrats LIVE with themselves, with the disgusting Hypocracy of SAYING they are "The Party that CARES about Minority Rights, Racism, and Women's Rights, when they have scum like Sen. Robert Byrd,Dem.,W.VA, former K.K.K. member, and Ted Kennedy, Dem., Mass., Unconvicted Killer, Host of Rape Parties, Secretary Abuser, etc., and Bill Clinton, Former President, SERIAL Woman Sex Abuser and Adulterer, Humiliator of Women.
WHY have Democrats NOT OUSTED a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, and an Unconvicted Murderer from YOUR Party, the Democrat Party? I mean, seriously, the Republican Party would NEVER allow a KNOWN K.K.K. Member to stay in its Party, or a man who not ONLY killed a woman and RAN AWAY TO HIDE, but then, years later, had a Drunken Rape Party, where he had invited his Nephew, who was CHARGED with rape? How can a Party of "Racial Equality", and "Women's Rights" STAND to have such men in its RANKS?
So yes, Ann Coulter may have ALSO said this, and asked these same questions. But I DID NOT KNOW that, because I don't LISTEN to Ann Coulter, except the few occasions I have heard her on the radio, which I don't have much time for, anyway. Personally, I'd rather look at her than listen, her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard, but I give her an A+ for guts, she tells it like it is.
I have heard you say a few witty things, but not much REAL thought, for a "College Professor". I will repeat what I already told you. I've been on this Earth LONGER than Ann Coulter, I have my OWN ideas, shaped by what I SEE AND HEAR from Liberals, and what they DO. I REMEMBER when poor Mary Jo Kopeckne was DROWNED AND ABANDONED at Chappaquiddick. HOW could ANY MAN DO THAT? And THEN, for Democrats to call him "The LION of the SENATE"? Maybe "The COWARDLY Lion", Ok. I have HEARD Robert Byrd ADMIT he was IN THE K.K.K.!! And yet, Democrats call him "Their Elder Statesman"!And Republicans have Hypocrites, and they are scum, too. But THEY don't have MURDERERS and K.K.K. MEMEBERS! Maybe a few Gay Guys who are still in the closet, but NOTHING like the Human Garbage of the Democrats. And NOW, they fawn all over Obama, who is a BLACK Racist! Is that OK, because he's bigoted against WHITES, even his OWN GRANDMOTHER?
I have a little more at stake, a little more concern than most, its true. Just Remember:
"For Evil to Triumph, all it Needs are for Good Men to do Nothing."
Let me ask you, gonzo, have you EVER CARED about something enough, that you were willing to FIGHT for it?
Are you a Religious man?
How do you FEEL, when over a MILLION Unborn Babies are CHOPPED UP, LIKE IN A BLENDER, by the Powerful Vacuums used in Abortion Mills? Have you ever SEEN a 3-month unborn baby, grasping at the doctor's gloved finger? I have.
I have heard some here make reference to the fact that you are NOT Liberal. Would you call yourself a Conservative, or are you a "Centrist", one of those pussies that sits atop the fence and can't take a STAND on anything. Those "Centrists", not like all of us, who have things we pick and choose, Left and Right, but those who are AFRAID to take a FIRM stand on ANYTHING?
Let me ask you this: Have you EVER HEARD of someone having his OWN ideas, his OWN thoughts of Political, Idealogical, and Philisophical Theories, and someone ELSE having one or more of those SAME ideas and thoughts? Or is that too hard to wrap your selfish little judgemental mind around?
Personally, I care MORE about a Pimple on My Ass, than I do about what YOU think, about where MY ideas come from. But for the Record, I can swear on my child's well-being, that I have NEVER heard, or read, an article or speech by Ann Coulter, where she asked HOW can Liberals and Democrats LIVE with themselves, with the disgusting Hypocracy of SAYING they are "The Party that CARES about Minority Rights, Racism, and Women's Rights, when they have scum like Sen. Robert Byrd,Dem.,W.VA, former K.K.K. member, and Ted Kennedy, Dem., Mass., Unconvicted Killer, Host of Rape Parties, Secretary Abuser, etc., and Bill Clinton, Former President, SERIAL Woman Sex Abuser and Adulterer, Humiliator of Women.
WHY have Democrats NOT OUSTED a KU KLUX KLAN MEMBER, and an Unconvicted Murderer from YOUR Party, the Democrat Party? I mean, seriously, the Republican Party would NEVER allow a KNOWN K.K.K. Member to stay in its Party, or a man who not ONLY killed a woman and RAN AWAY TO HIDE, but then, years later, had a Drunken Rape Party, where he had invited his Nephew, who was CHARGED with rape? How can a Party of "Racial Equality", and "Women's Rights" STAND to have such men in its RANKS?
So yes, Ann Coulter may have ALSO said this, and asked these same questions. But I DID NOT KNOW that, because I don't LISTEN to Ann Coulter, except the few occasions I have heard her on the radio, which I don't have much time for, anyway. Personally, I'd rather look at her than listen, her voice is like fingernails on a blackboard, but I give her an A+ for guts, she tells it like it is.
I have heard you say a few witty things, but not much REAL thought, for a "College Professor". I will repeat what I already told you. I've been on this Earth LONGER than Ann Coulter, I have my OWN ideas, shaped by what I SEE AND HEAR from Liberals, and what they DO. I REMEMBER when poor Mary Jo Kopeckne was DROWNED AND ABANDONED at Chappaquiddick. HOW could ANY MAN DO THAT? And THEN, for Democrats to call him "The LION of the SENATE"? Maybe "The COWARDLY Lion", Ok. I have HEARD Robert Byrd ADMIT he was IN THE K.K.K.!! And yet, Democrats call him "Their Elder Statesman"!And Republicans have Hypocrites, and they are scum, too. But THEY don't have MURDERERS and K.K.K. MEMEBERS! Maybe a few Gay Guys who are still in the closet, but NOTHING like the Human Garbage of the Democrats. And NOW, they fawn all over Obama, who is a BLACK Racist! Is that OK, because he's bigoted against WHITES, even his OWN GRANDMOTHER?
I have a little more at stake, a little more concern than most, its true. Just Remember:
"For Evil to Triumph, all it Needs are for Good Men to do Nothing."