For Grind


There once again seems to be a difference of "opinions" as to Rule 12b.

Christie believes that discussing Joe Biden's document proclivity is a violation of Rule 12b and has suggested that anyone posting about this, deserve to be banned.

I tried to educate her, by posting and highlighting Rule 12b for her; but she still refuses to understand and it looks like the MODs are allowing "violations" to run rampant.

You really need to reread Rule 12b, before you post a comment that shows how uninformed you are.

Here, allow me to assist in schooling you:

12(b) - No sexual comments relating to minors. With the exception of news articles or a mature discussion involving stats, how it effects people etc, We DO NOT want ANY mention in ANY context about suggesting encounters with another poster and a child, or with yourself and another poster's child, nor any mention of kids being sexually assaulted, sexually molested, raped, having people being called pedophiles, suggesting posters may have been molested as a kid, having vague references to any of the former, having a "clever" play on words with a wink and a nod that might suggest any of the former, any slight references, WE WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF IT. Do not try to approach the line to test us to see what one can get away with, if you approach the line, chances are you will not receive the benefit of the doubt.

Do you now understand or does Grind have to explain it to you??

You're so, so stupid. First read what I highlighted in purple. When you accuse a poster of enjoying kiddy porn you broke the rule.

Second, you and the other RWNJs have posted pics and videos of Biden and say they are proof of pedophilia and depict kiddy porn. Rule 12a says NO PORN. So why do you keep posting what you call porn?

12(a) - No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

Get someone to explain it to you, numb nuts.

Could you take the time to explain to her, in a way she'll be able to understand and have used a modified quote of yours, to bring this to your attention:

Modified to get your attention.

Your question is, as always, dishonest.

Christiefan was stating that you and your ilk keep reposting the same stupid videos and still photos of Biden with his hands on children's shoulders, being up close to them, kissing women's hair, etc. She stated that if you guys are calling this pedophilia, and posting pics of it, then you are posting child porn. We all know that 12b refers to accusing other JPPers of being pedos, having been molested, etc. It has nothing to do with *discussing* celebrities and speculating about whether they are pedos. But posting pics you claim are molesting? Hmm.
Your question is, as always, dishonest.

Christiefan was stating that you and your ilk keep reposting the same stupid videos and still photos of Biden with his hands on children's shoulders, being up close to them, kissing women's hair, etc. She stated that if you guys are calling this pedophilia, and posting pics of it, then you are posting child porn. We all know that 12b refers to accusing other JPPers of being pedos, having been molested, etc. It has nothing to do with *discussing* celebrities and speculating about whether they are pedos. But posting pics you claim are molesting? Hmm.

WELL, you'll just have to see if the MODs agree with you or if they think both of you are just stupid; HUH!!

Your question is, as always, dishonest.

Christiefan was stating that you and your ilk keep reposting the same stupid videos and still photos of Biden with his hands on children's shoulders, being up close to them, kissing women's hair, etc. She stated that if you guys are calling this pedophilia, and posting pics of it, then you are posting child porn. We all know that 12b refers to accusing other JPPers of being pedos, having been molested, etc. It has nothing to do with *discussing* celebrities and speculating about whether they are pedos. But posting pics you claim are molesting? Hmm.

It will never penetrate his thick skull what I was doing there. And apparently he doesn't understand that if you tell a poster to "enjoy your kiddy porn" it's the same as calling them a pedophile, and that is a 12b violation.

Dumb dumb dumb.
Christie is a hypocrite and an enemy combatant. as a Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army enemy combatant; she and all of them are as mindless, evil zombies. they are as walking dead. they love for the witchdoctors to stick their persons with needles.

Shut up, phony Christian.
It will never penetrate his thick skull what I was doing there. And apparently he doesn't understand that if you tell a poster to "enjoy your kiddy porn" it's the same as calling them a pedophile, and that is a 12b violation.

Dumb dumb dumb.

And yet, we have this quote from YOU:

If you think those videos and pics show kiddy porn, why do you keep posting them when it's a 12B violation?
I believe I have clarified this before, but I will do so again

We have exceptions in rule 12b. They are specifically listed out. Talking about public figures, current events in the news, statistics, talking about the crime itself, are all fine. Calling joe biden a pedo, especially when there is ongoing news about him being a creeper, is topical and relevant.

This does not mean it's ok to just talk about any random famous person and kid fucking and because you dropped a celebrities name into the mix that it's ok. As always intention matters. The mods at JPP are not robots, we are able to infer what people are saying, or implying, or if they have a point to a post beyond being disguisting, or a perv, and breaking the rule.

So, to clarify again, there isn't a blanket pass for public figures, it would depend on context, but as a general rule of thumb, we have much more leeway with that stuff, especially if it relates to things being talked about in the news.

The stuff about jpp posters should be very clear.

At the same time, people shouldn't try to test us. We say that in the rule as well.

Rule 12b is not a perfect science. Us mods sometimes have to debate things and we've been doing this for a long time now. Sometimes there is a lot of grey area.

If you don't want to be in the grey area and risk getting banned, you shouldn't approach this topic casually or whimsically, tossing around words like "enjoy your kiddy porn"

When a poster puts themselves into that grey area, they open themselves up to being judged by the mod team. We give everyone very clear and fair warning to stay away. If you want to make sure you're safe, keep the topic non-trolly, topical, and relevant.
There are plenty of posters on JPP, I would say a sizeable majority, that have never had an issue with any of this stuff and probably haven't talked about pedophillia in more than a decade. It's not a very difficult thing to avoid.
I believe I have clarified this before, but I will do so again

We have exceptions in rule 12b. They are specifically listed out. Talking about public figures, current events in the news, statistics, talking about the crime itself, are all fine. Calling joe biden a pedo, especially when there is ongoing news about him being a creeper, is topical and relevant.

This does not mean it's ok to just talk about any random famous person and kid fucking and because you dropped a celebrities name into the mix that it's ok. As always intention matters. The mods at JPP are not robots, we are able to infer what people are saying, or implying, or if they have a point to a post beyond being disguisting, or a perv, and breaking the rule.

So, to clarify again, there isn't a blanket pass for public figures, it would depend on context, but as a general rule of thumb, we have much more leeway with that stuff, especially if it relates to things being talked about in the news.

The stuff about jpp posters should be very clear.

At the same time, people shouldn't try to test us. We say that in the rule as well.

Rule 12b is not a perfect science. Us mods sometimes have to debate things and we've been doing this for a long time now. Sometimes there is a lot of grey area.

If you don't want to be in the grey area and risk getting banned, you shouldn't approach this topic casually or whimsically, tossing around words like "enjoy your kiddy porn"

When a poster puts themselves into that grey area, they open themselves up to being judged by the mod team. We give everyone very clear and fair warning to stay away. If you want to make sure you're safe, keep the topic non-trolly, topical, and relevant.

Now do YOU understand; Christie and Owl??

Grind I apologize for hi-jacking a post of yours and modifying it.

I just thought it would be the fastest way to have you reply.

Christie is a hypocrite and an enemy combatant. as a Barack's Zombie Apocalypse army enemy combatant; she and all of them are as mindless, evil zombies. they are as walking dead. they love for the witchdoctors to stick their persons with needles.

OK Gomie.
I believe I have clarified this before, but I will do so again

We have exceptions in rule 12b. They are specifically listed out. Talking about public figures, current events in the news, statistics, talking about the crime itself, are all fine. Calling joe biden a pedo, especially when there is ongoing news about him being a creeper, is topical and relevant.

This does not mean it's ok to just talk about any random famous person and kid fucking and because you dropped a celebrities name into the mix that it's ok. As always intention matters. The mods at JPP are not robots, we are able to infer what people are saying, or implying, or if they have a point to a post beyond being disguisting, or a perv, and breaking the rule.

So, to clarify again, there isn't a blanket pass for public figures, it would depend on context, but as a general rule of thumb, we have much more leeway with that stuff, especially if it relates to things being talked about in the news.

The stuff about jpp posters should be very clear.

At the same time, people shouldn't try to test us. We say that in the rule as well.

Rule 12b is not a perfect science. Us mods sometimes have to debate things and we've been doing this for a long time now. Sometimes there is a lot of grey area.

If you don't want to be in the grey area and risk getting banned, you shouldn't approach this topic casually or whimsically, tossing around words like "enjoy your kiddy porn"

When a poster puts themselves into that grey area, they open themselves up to being judged by the mod team. We give everyone very clear and fair warning to stay away. If you want to make sure you're safe, keep the topic non-trolly, topical, and relevant.

I wanted to clarify some things. It's not about calling Joe Biden a pedo; it's about posting pics and videos of Biden with children, and saying that those things are porn. So if those posters really believe the videos etc. are pornographic, they shouldn't be posting them because it's a 12a violation.

Another example, Stormy Daniels has been in the news for over a year. We all call her a porn star or ex-porn star. I could be wrong... let me know... but if someone says they have proof Stormy's a porn star and then posts explicit naked crotch pics of her, that would be forbidden, right?

IMO there's a big difference between the two. Biden in a group family pic with his hands on a kid's shoulders or head is not porn.. maybe creepy... but Stormy's beaver shot is. Is this correct?
I wanted to clarify some things. It's not about calling Joe Biden a pedo; it's about posting pics and videos of Biden with children, and saying that those things are porn. So if those posters really believe the videos etc. are pornographic, they shouldn't be posting them because it's a 12a violation.

Another example, Stormy Daniels has been in the news for over a year. We all call her a porn star or ex-porn star. I could be wrong... let me know... but if someone says they have proof Stormy's a porn star and then posts explicit naked crotch pics of her, that would be forbidden, right?

IMO there's a big difference between the two. Biden in a group family pic with his hands on a kid's shoulders or head is not porn.. maybe creepy... but Stormy's beaver shot is. Is this correct?

...We have exceptions in rule 12b. They are specifically listed out. Talking about public figures, current events in the news, statistics, talking about the crime itself, are all fine. Calling joe biden a pedo, especially when there is ongoing news about him being a creeper, is topical and relevant....
