APP - For Neda!!!

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane

"When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always." - - Ghandi
I saw the FB group, "I Am Neda" and was moved.

Thanks Mott. Good post.
I saw the FB group, "I Am Neda" and was moved.

Thanks Mott. Good post.
You're welcome. Thought I would share it.

I wonder if those tyrants know that they have all ready lost and that Neda has won?

You have to admit, what I find astonishing about this is how technology has become the great democratizer. Had not people with camera phones witnessed these events, no one would know or care.
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I saw that a few weeks ago on hbo. Good stuff. This is exactly why conservative religious zealouts should never be allowed to take power.
You're welcome. Thought I would share it.

I wonder if those tyrants know that they have all ready lost and that Neda has one.

You have to admit, what I find astonishing about this is how technology has become the great democratizer. Had not people with camera phones witnessed these events, no one would know or care.

The story would have been a local one and she would have just been a statistic.

But the video of her death, in its glaring brutality, has made it out into the world.