APP - For our left leaning friends who think Putin stole the election from Hillary


Former Vice President
There has been much bandwidth spent on JPP from our friends on the left of the "hacking of our election". All fingers are pointing to Russia. The purpose of this thread is not to debate whether Russia did or didn't influence the election. There are plenty of threads on that.

The purpose of this thread is this. For those of you who truly believe that Russia "hacked" our election and "stole" it from Hillary what do you think Obama should do it about it?

Is it an act of war? Should Congress declare war on Russia? How do you think we should respond?

You will notice that I am dedicating this thread to ONLY lefties. After this initial post, I won't even respond. This is your chance to have a safe space to discuss how you would handle Russia for robbing Hillary of her destiny.

Have fun and remember to stay on topic. This is only about what you think we should do to Russia in retaliation.
I don't know if Putin did anything to affect the election or not, and I would never say it was stolen, HRC made a lot of mistakes and one was allowing Putin to be able to do anything if he did.

As to what Obama should do about it... It depends on what Putin did, if he simply encouraged the release of information that was already out there... I don't think much should be done. If however, he helped steal or encouraged anyone to steal information, that is espionage and should be punished. If espionage was done in coordination with the Trump campaign, I doubt it, then whoever was involved should be prosecuted.

Do you disagree with what I said here?

This election was HRC's to win, she made a lot of errors. Not saying I could have done better, but in hindsight she should have gone after him and illustrated to the voter what a con artist and how dishonest he has been his entire life. She was not the best messenger for that information, but he is as much of a liar and con artist as she is and I don't think that was made clear to much of the voting public.
I don't know if Putin did anything to affect the election or not, and I would never say it was stolen, HRC made a lot of mistakes and one was allowing Putin to be able to do anything if he did.

As to what Obama should do about it... It depends on what Putin did, if he simply encouraged the release of information that was already out there... I don't think much should be done. If however, he helped steal or encouraged anyone to steal information, that is espionage and should be punished. If espionage was done in coordination with the Trump campaign, I doubt it, then whoever was involved should be prosecuted.

Do you disagree with what I said here?

This election was HRC's to win, she made a lot of errors. Not saying I could have done better, but in hindsight she should have gone after him and illustrated to the voter what a con artist and how dishonest he has been his entire life. She was not the best messenger for that information, but he is as much of a liar and con artist as she is and I don't think that was made clear to much of the voting public.

Many a thread on JPP has been dedicated to the fact that many left leaning friends believe Putin hacked and stole the election from Hillary.

Instead of debating whether he did or didn't, for the purpose of this thread, I am willing to accept the premise and ask WHAT SHOULD WE DO ABOUT IT?

Please stay on topic. This thread is not about WHY she you think she lost the election. This is about what we should do about Putin interfering in our elections as some have alleged most vociferously on JPP and around the inter webs and mainstream news outlets.