APP - For Stone: Is this fascism?

If it is not, when what would be? Would you think it was fascism if the speech that was deemed "hateful" was from the left and similar actions were taken?

Companies pressuring Facebook to ban hate speech isn't Fascism, it's Capitalism. They're saying that they don't want their products associated with a website that allows hate speech, because that's bad for business. Facebook is free to tell them to fuck off, but they'll lose money. Just like any other platform that upsets their sponsors.

As for congress pressuring Facebook and Google to remove hate speech, it depends on exactly how they plan on doing this. If they plan to cut funding, that wouldn't be Fascism because the companies would still be free to have whatever speech they wanted. However, if the government legally banned a website from allowing hate speech, it's a lot more grey. Technically we'd all still have our free speech, but it would still be a huge overreach by the government. I probably wouldn't call it Fascism, but it would certainly be a step closer to Fascism.