For the douche bags hatin of Finance jobs

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Wow, you really showed "the douchebags" a thing or two with that one Topper. A powerful post.
hes talking about an article about 6figure jobs in cnn business section:

Finance jobs - Construction
As construction firms expand the services they offer clients, they're also expanding their payroll by creating new entities and new layers of jobs, including many for those who manage the purse strings.

At small- to mid-size construction firms, a senior controller can make between $80,000 and $100,000 plus bonus, while a CFO may make between $125,000 and $200,000 plus bonus, said Bobbi Moss, vice president of Govig & Associates, a member firm of the MRINetwork.
I dont complain about my 10+year career in finance and business analysis. Generally easy work and generally good pay.. But im only doing it for about 10more years then im out to buy a business.
doesnt matter the industry. i can work in pretty much all industries in all cities. everyone needs purse string holders and bean counters.
USC is obviously an uneducated bitter moron
Yeah his opinion carries weight vs market facts

LOL... does any industry not have ebbs and flows? I would think even prostitution, gambling and alcohol have down periods. To say a career in a certain industry would not be good because that industry might experience highs and lows is quite laughable.
LOL... does any industry not have ebbs and flows? I would think even prostitution, gambling and alcohol have down periods. To say a career in a certain industry would not be good because that industry might experience highs and lows is quite laughable.

Yes all have ebbs and flows, those you mentioned have been doing very well since the repubs came to power.