APP - For the first time in my life I am disgusted with the US

This made me physically ill to read this. If there is any justice in the world, Comey and his entire family will suffer greatly at some point.

The Kennedys eventaually all suffered for the sins of their father

General Flynn was set up by the Deep State. If the leftists succeed in their coup,there will be a revolution. There will be no peace

we must never forget the insidiousness of the uniparty and fake deep state republicans that only serve a globalist agenda. Comey claims to be a republican when his entire family are pussyhat wearing clintonistas. from the bushes to mccain, we have had numerous "republicans" that at the end of the day serve the same agenda as the democrats and sell out our national sovreignty to foreign illegal invaders, or mccain will thumbs down repealing obamacare with a shit eating grin. The deep state republicans hate trump so much because trump exposes who they actually are - democrat/uniparty globalists that merely exist to sheepdog conservatives to their own doom.
we must never forget the insidiousness of the uniparty and fake deep state republicans that only serve a globalist agenda. Comey claims to be a republican when his entire family are pussyhat wearing clintonistas. from the bushes to mccain, we have had numerous "republicans" that at the end of the day serve the same agenda as the democrats and sell out our national sovreignty to foreign illegal invaders, or mccain will thumbs down repealing obamacare with a shit eating grin. The deep state republicans hate trump so much because trump exposes who they actually are - democrat/uniparty globalists that merely exist to sheepdog conservatives to their own doom.

I agree. We traded Flake for Romney. Romney thinks he will ride the Trump bashing train to another Presidential nomination.

I have said before, NeverTrumpers will be forever dead to me because their hatred of Trump is irrational. They are the truest faux conservatives there ever can be. They claim to be "free traders", yet fail to understand the reasoning behind Trump's tariffs against China. NEverTrumpers set back and said nothing while China was raping the United States. One person finally steps up to do something about it and NeverTrumpers lose their mind.

I honestly believe that NeverTrumpers are more concerned with being liked and accepted by leftists than fighting for what they believe in. They offer a token opposition, but never really fight for what they believe.

I honestly believe we are heading for a civil war in this country and it will be ugly