For The Low Educated: No, Donald, Michael Cohen's office was not "broken into."
Michael Cohen's office was the subject of a legally obtained search warrant based on probable cause, a concept spelled out by the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
You know, the document that supposedly gave you the authority to take office but one you've almost certainly never read.
But you know what was "broken into"?
Emails of US citizens, by Kremlin agents, done with your consent, approval and encouragement for your own personal and political benefit.
Donald Trump, you fucking moron. (To quote your former Secretary of State.)
Michael Cohen's office was the subject of a legally obtained search warrant based on probable cause, a concept spelled out by the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution.
You know, the document that supposedly gave you the authority to take office but one you've almost certainly never read.
But you know what was "broken into"?
Emails of US citizens, by Kremlin agents, done with your consent, approval and encouragement for your own personal and political benefit.
Donald Trump, you fucking moron. (To quote your former Secretary of State.)