APP - For the Never Trumpers

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I don't want this to be another thread about why Trump stinks and why you don't like him. I get that and it is not my intent to try to sway you otherwise.

The purpose of this thread is to discuss something I have often seen which is "If only it were someone else like Kasich, they would be running away with it". I hear this refrain quite often. Yet, it doesn't pass the sniff test for me and here is why.

Why do you think someone like Kasich, Bush or any other "moderate" Republican would be treated any differently by the press than Trump has been once they had secured the nomination? How do you know some woman wouldn't come forward and claim that Bush/Kasich "sexually assaulted" them in college? Do you really think they would have been unmolested by the left wing media who have sworn allegiance to Crooked ILLary?

I have no doubt that they would have been eviscerated. And I have proof in the form of one Mitt Romney. Let me list for you all of the attacks Mitt withstood during his campaign

- "He is trying to give himself a big tax cut"
- He was a bully in college
- He worked for the evil Bain
- He didn't care about a woman who got cancer
- Binders of women
- The dog on top of his car
- His 6 car garage
- Harry Reid said he had it on good authority that Romney didn't pay taxes. When pressed on the lie Reid said "It worked didn't it"
- 47% comment

So tell me how any of these other guys would have been any different? And please try to do so without bringing up Trump.
My response would be this. Whoever the Repubklican nominee was was going to be attacked by the press. That comes with being a Republican. All we have to look at are early polls which showed other Republicans beating Hillary and Trump losing to her. Obviously we'll never know what would have happened with another candidate. Hillary has the second highest unfavorable ranking of any candidate other than the one we chose.
My response would be this. Whoever the Repubklican nominee was was going to be attacked by the press. That comes with being a Republican. All we have to look at are early polls which showed other Republicans beating Hillary and Trump losing to her. Obviously we'll never know what would have happened with another candidate. Hillary has the second highest unfavorable ranking of any candidate other than the one we chose.

I really expected a much more in depth analysis than this. This is pretty thin.