For the record


Worst gambler ever
When I stated that a certain poster here was "shaky" I had no idea it was a medical condition, and I wouldn't have mentioned it if I knew it was.

I sincerely thought said fellow was simply nervous.

So for bringing it up, I apologize, and for those making fun of it, that's pretty fucked up, regardless of what you think of the guy.
if it makes this certain person feel better, a long time ago at one of my cardrooms this guy started calling me "shakes" cause I guess one time I flopped a monster and my hands were shaking. I didn't mind it though because I always win there and I'm still better than everyone anyway..

Also that was a one time thing. My hands don't usually shake when I play poker.
if it makes this certain person feel better, a long time ago at one of my cardrooms this guy started calling me "shakes" cause I guess one time I flopped a monster and my hands were shaking. I didn't mind it though because I always win there and I'm still better than everyone anyway..

Also that was a one time thing. My hands don't usually shake when I play poker.
Gotta work on those poker hands, shakes.
Man, I really gotta start reading the early AM threads. Much more interesting.