APP - For the the record....


Well-known member
I am not afraid to post in APP, I do not like to debate here because several times in the past when I engaged in debate, every time I made a good point, using an analogy, some moderator failed to understand, or simply wanted to be difficult, and threw me out for being "off topic".

The Conservatives get embarrassed here then manipulate the rules to close down the discussion. I got frustrated and made a general rule, that I sometimes violate, to not debate here.

I loved the idea of APP, I like the spirit of APP, I do not like the way it is used to shut down debate that makes good points against Conservatives.

Remember this board is LARGELY moderated by hard core cons who hate to be embarrassed by the obvious points against them.

Watch, this post will embarrass one of em...
I am not afraid to post in APP, I do not like to debate here because several times in the past when I engaged in debate, every time I made a good point, using an analogy, some moderator failed to understand, or simply wanted to be difficult, and threw me out for being "off topic".

The Conservatives get embarrassed here then manipulate the rules to close down the discussion. I got frustrated and made a general rule, that I sometimes violate, to not debate here.

I loved the idea of APP, I like the spirit of APP, I do not like the way it is used to shut down debate that makes good points against Conservatives.

Remember this board is LARGELY moderated by hard core cons who hate to be embarrassed by the obvious points against them.

Watch, this post will embarrass one of em...

So basically; when you can't control yourself, you want a pass on your behavior!! :good4u:
I am not afraid to post in APP, I do not like to debate here because several times in the past when I engaged in debate, every time I made a good point, using an analogy, some moderator failed to understand, or simply wanted to be difficult, and threw me out for being "off topic".

The Conservatives get embarrassed here then manipulate the rules to close down the discussion. I got frustrated and made a general rule, that I sometimes violate, to not debate here.

I loved the idea of APP, I like the spirit of APP, I do not like the way it is used to shut down debate that makes good points against Conservatives.

Remember this board is LARGELY moderated by hard core cons who hate to be embarrassed by the obvious points against them.

Watch, this post will embarrass one of em...

have you ever considered the alternative, even for a moment, that you might just have actually been in the wrong?

You have a habit of going off on tangents, and you have blatantly been off topic in the past and have used personal attacks. The condition for being let back in to APP is your admitting to go forward and not do those things anymore. If you weren't interested in APP, why did you ask me to be let back in? That's kinda weird, isn't it? :thinking:

The most ironic thing is we can't win. If we enforce the rules and make this a strict place, we will inevitably get complaints we are too harsh (even though when someone is banned from APP they are often re-admitted within minutes as long as it's not a repeat offense or something egregious). If we don't moderate the forum, it'll quickly descend into typical mudslinging.

I think the best option is for you to maybe consider you weren't really in the right in the past.
have you ever considered the alternative, even for a moment, that you might just have actually been in the wrong?

You have a habit of going off on tangents, and you have blatantly been off topic in the past and have used personal attacks. The condition for being let back in to APP is your admitting to go forward and not do those things anymore. If you weren't interested in APP, why did you ask me to be let back in? That's kinda weird, isn't it? :thinking:

The most ironic thing is we can't win. If we enforce the rules and make this a strict place, we will inevitably get complaints we are too harsh (even though when someone is banned from APP they are often re-admitted within minutes as long as it's not a repeat offense or something egregious). If we don't moderate the forum, it'll quickly descend into typical mudslinging.

I think the best option is for you to maybe consider you weren't really in the right in the past.

I believe had I not scored points on a conservative talking point, they would have never done anything.
I agree not to cuss.
I agree not do engage in name calling.
I agree to many of the rules, but the arbitrary ones, like where using an example to make a point is considered off topic, I am done.