For Those That Support a Troop Surge:

Do you Support A Troop Surge?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • No

    Votes: 11 78.6%

  • Total voters
Depends on what they are used for as to whether I support it or not. If they are used to "train" I tend to support that, but absolutely do not support more troops to try to keep the peace in the midst of a corrupt Iraqi police force.
The rumor I have heard is that they are going to move into neighborhoods and work with Iraqi security forces to keep the peace.
The rumor I have heard is that they are going to move into neighborhoods and work with Iraqi security forces to keep the peace.

What peace?

Although leaning has a point, if the surge is to expedite training and is absolutely temporarily meaning they have contracts to come back with in 6 months then I could live with that. But if its just to do more of the same, enough is enough. Dems need to stand their ground.
I suspect this will turn out to be more of the same. To late to put humpty dumpty back together again.
the troops are going to be used just to buy more time so we can finish our bases and get the oil flowing again.
if the iraqis get trained, then there isn't an excuse for us to stay. so they won't be used to train.
if the iraqis get trained, then there isn't an excuse for us to stay. so they won't be used to train.

So you think this entire ordeal is just a stalling method so that we can secure oil supplies?

(not that i disagree, I'm just trying to get clarification)
But we are not in NAM :D

Pansy assed Bush finally made it to Nam, long after the shooting stopped though ;)
He looked just darling in his blue jammies too :D
we won't be leaving; ever. hell, we're still in freekin korea!!!!

Well we're allied with S.Korea and they want us there and people are dying by the boat load, so i'm almost indifferent to that.

Germany and Japan, we waged war against, won and if my understanding is correct our presence there are the terms of the truce. I'm okay with that too.

Iraq is a different story.
the poll is 4 - 0 against troop surge. I was hoping a Dixie or another apologist could explain how the Bushies are going to magically achieve what they have been unable to achieve for the past four years.
Well we're allied with S.Korea and they want us there and people are dying by the boat load, so i'm almost indifferent to that.

Germany and Japan, we waged war against, won and if my understanding is correct our presence there are the terms of the truce. I'm okay with that too.

Iraq is a different story.

huh? south koereans anren't dying by th e boat load. and i don't see what the difference is; we aren't there cuz they want us there, we're there cuz WE want to be there, as well as europe. it's all strategic, just like iraq; no difference at all.
the poll is 4 - 0 against troop surge. I was hoping a Dixie or another apologist could explain how the Bushies are going to magically achieve what they have been unable to achieve for the past four years.

thye could achieve victory, but they don't want to right now. there has to be an excuse to stay until all our new infrastructure and control is in place, then we back down to a 'peacekeeping' force of about 20k and lots of material.