For Those Who Think Their Beliefs Speak For All Veterans


Althea told me...........

Dear Every Single American,
Every. Single. American. Including President Trump, Colin Kaepernick, and my brothers in arms overseas who are wondering, "what in the hell is going on back there?" I'm sitting in the same chair, in the same apartment that I sat in almost a year ago when I wrote an open letter to Colin Kaepernick. I was hurt when I saw him sitting on the bench during the national anthem, but I'm much more hurt now. Not by him, not by where we're at now with the protests, but by us.
Simply put, it seems like we just hate each other; and that is far more painful to me than any protest, or demonstration, or rally, or tweet. We're told to pick a side, there's a line drawn in the sand "are you with us or against us?" It's just not who we are, or at least who we're supposed to be; we're supposed to be better than that, we're Americans. This doesn't even seem to be about right or wrong, but more about right or left.
More at link

I don't think my beliefs speak for all veterans or any veteran for that matter. My beliefs speak for me and only me.

What Nate Boyer, the veteran in the link, doesn't seem to get is that he doesn't speak for me either.

When it comes to picking a side, I'm going to pick a side because those on the opposite side are going to do the same thing if they have a chance. On certain issues, sides do need to be picked. For my fundamental beliefs, there is no compromise. Someone willing to compromise what they call their "fundamental beliefs" causes me to believe they really aren't that fundamental. Seeing people claim they have such beliefs then quickly give in when it comes to issues involving those beliefs is far more painful to me than any protest, or demonstration, or rally, or tweet. The U.S. was built on people standing up for their fundamental beliefs not shredding them to pieces in order to appease someone on the other side. As Americans, aren't we supposed to be better than to waver on what we consider our most important ideals? Apparently, not anymore to too many people.