APP - For those who think Trump is a narcissist


One thing I noticed in his speech compared to anything Obama has ever given and that is the use of the words "I" and "We" with Trump emphasizing the latter and Obama emphasizing the former. Just saying
One thing I noticed in his speech compared to anything Obama has ever given and that is the use of the words "I" and "We" with Trump emphasizing the latter and Obama emphasizing the former. Just saying

I think anyone that runs for a public office, at least at the State and Federal level, a person would have to be at least a little bit of a narcissist.
I think anyone that runs for a public office, at least at the State and Federal level, a person would have to be at least a little bit of a narcissist.

Agreed. I have said that before. I am just pointing out the stark differences in their content. Liberals loved Obamas soaring Hitler like oratory. Hitler and Stalin were good speakers too.