For women, life in Iraq is "just like being in jail"


Will work for Scooby snacks
For women, life in Iraq is "just like being in jail"

Another legacy of George W. Bush's war:

Wash Post:

"For a woman, it's just like being in jail," she said. "I can't go anywhere."

Life has become more difficult for most Iraqis since the February bombing of a Shiite Muslim mosque in Samarra sparked a rise in sectarian killings and overall lawlessness. For many women, though, it has become unbearable.

As Islamic fundamentalism seeps into society and sectarian warfare escalates, more and more women live in fear of being kidnapped or raped. They receive death threats because of their religious sects and careers. They are harassed for not abiding by the strict dress code of long skirts and head scarves or for driving cars.

For much of the 20th century, and under various leaders, Iraq was one of the most progressive Middle Eastern countries in terms of its treatment of women, who were encouraged to go to school and enter the workforce. Saddam Hussein's Baath Party espoused a secular Arab nationalism that advocated women's full participation in society. But years of war changed that.

In the days after the U.S.-led invasion in 2003, many women were hopeful that they would enjoy greater parity with men. President Bush said that increasing women's rights was essential to creating a new, democratic Iraq.But interviews with 16 Iraqi women, ranging in age from 21 to 52, show that much of that postwar hope is gone. The younger women say they fear being snatched on their way to school and wonder whether their college degrees will mean anything in the new Iraq. The older women, proud of their education and careers, are watching their independence slip away.

The women of Iraq, like so many others, have learned that just because George Bush said something doesn't mean it's true. In fact, if George Bush says something, the opposite is true. Unfortunately, in Iraq, Bush's war of choice has diminished and endangered women.
You think "Rape Rooms" are cool???? Geez....Ensign you have daughters or grandaughters?...maybe not...Islam apologist!:readit:

Lets play another round of "Simple Answers to Simple Questions"

-"Do you think the expenditure of 25,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, 1 trillion taxpayer dollars, and the sacrifice of america's moral authority was worth stopping some Saddam rape rooms and torture chambers?"

-Answer: NO.

Thank you for playing another round of "Simple Answers to Simple Questions"

Lets play another round of "Simple Answers to Simple Questions"

-"Do you think the expenditure of 25,000 dead and wounded american soldiers, 1 trillion taxpayer dollars, and the sacrifice of america's moral authority was worth stopping some Saddam rape rooms and torture chambers?"

-Answer: NO.

Thank you for playing another round of "Simple Answers to Simple Questions"

Please elaborate...last time I checked 'Iwo Jima' WWII... 6000 marines died in 36 hrs..fighting radical Japanese'.... over 50,000 of my buds died in VN!...and where were you and Maineman?...give it a rest cypress...ya lost this argument before y'all started...:pke:
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minnieman and prissy think saddam was a cool dude and rape rooms were really neat things to have. Nothing like visiting a good rape room to take your mind off the troubles of the day huh guys.

Keep up those compassionite American loving posts.

I'm sure assad has some rape rooms in damascus, maybe you guys can join bin kerry over there and participate.
the fact is: women overall had a higher social standing, more education, and better economic earning power in pre-war Iraq than in any other islamic country. No one thinks that Saddam's sexual sadism as a good thing, but, the fact remains, overall, women in Iraq were better off before we invaded.
Fact remains...

the fact is: women overall had a higher social standing, more education, and better economic earning power in pre-war Iraq than in any other islamic country. No one thinks that Saddam's sexual sadism as a good thing, but, the fact remains, overall, women in Iraq were better off before we invaded.

Rape rooms did exist as well as tens of thousands of his countrymen ceased to well as Saddam as well as his sons partook in breaking in newly wed wives before the husband consimated the wedding...but I will agree Saddam did control the radical Shiites...this was probably a plus !!!! If ya must be a apologist for Islam at least say it like it was...Shiites are the worst of the bunch...
So sad, and frankly, pathetic to see Bush war-cheerleaders

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

....justifying the death and maiming of tens of thousands of american soldiers, and the expenditure of 1 Trillion taxpayer dollars on Saddam rape rooms.
Right... That's the only thing they ever talk about. Rape rooms.

The self proclaimed "Libertarian" runs to the rescue of the war apologists!

BB: "You think "Rape Rooms" are cool???? Geez....Ensign you have daughters or grandaughters?...maybe not...Islam apologist"
Right... That's what I did... If it was a "rescue" then they must not only talk about rape rooms... So, either you were being disingenuous from the beginning, or it wasn't a "rescue" you can pick which.

Either way, it doesn't make me support undeclared war just because I understand that rape rooms isn't the only thing they speak of, nor does it make me their Robin Hood that I am honest enough to understand that they believe there were reasons to go there and that they aren't all "rape rooms".
Wow Damo....maybe Tiana and Darla are right. You just make shit up, hoping no one will go back and read the actual thread.

All BB was talking about, when I responded, was RAPE ROOMS

Then you came along, in his defense, saying he wasnt' talking ONLY about rape rooms.
No, I specifically was talking about the sarcastic response that the only reason that they have is "rape rooms" because that was what he was talking about right now.

Maybe you people specifically don't want to admit disingenuousness and prefer to pretend that you don't understand, but it isn't making you look smarter to pretend that you don't understand.

It's okay though. You take whatever thread that somebody posts something negative about Iraq preconquest and pretend that it is the only reason that they ever put forward for time immemorial then say something like, "Wow, it was all worth it because of... <insert subject of thread here>." Then you pretend that we live in a vacuum and no other topic that has ever been discussed can enter a conversation in this particular thread.... You do this by saying something foolish like, "Here's Damo to save the day..." when, first of all, I didn't come to "save the day" just to point out that they talk about more than rape rooms very consistently...

So, go ahead and pretend you are dumb as rocks and can't remember between the thread yesterday, and this one today, and that all they ever speak of is 'rape rooms' when talking about reasons to enter Iraq just because it happened to be the topic of conversation here and somebody who supports the war talked about them... You can go right ahead and pretend, but it doesn't make you look super smart.
Good post Damo. And right on the money. Their ramblings is why I have kept them on ignore. all they do is attack people for what they say or believe.

I'll make it easy on them.

12 un resolutions ignored by saddam
repeatedly shooting at American and British aircraft patroling the no fly zone. (They were there to prevent saddam from launching airstrikes against the shites and kurds.)
storing and developing WMD's
Massacres of hundreds of thousands of shites and kurds and using WMD's.
Using the oil for food program to build palaces and enrich un officials.
Torture and rape rooms. Includes the torture of his own olympics team when they didn't win.
Ties to various terrorist organizations, particularly hama's by paying suicide bombers families.
Helping al zarkowi when he was wounded and giving him shelter.
I would bet there are some other things that are classified that we won't know about for years. Or until it gets leaked out for someone political benifit.

Or to make it easier yet they can just post "I HATE BUSH" which is really what their posts are all about anyway. That and anyone that supports what he did and tries to rationally discuss it.

There were no WMD's. At least not a lot of them. A few hundred old shells. That doesn't mean anyone lied, it means they were wrong. And I challenge any of the libs on here to prove there weren't any there. There was plenty of time to move them to syria.

So pick one of the above "its all worth it list" We have discussed and rehashed all of them over and over.
-12 un resolutions ignored by saddam

Since when did a "conservative" go to war, and spend a Trillion taxpayer dollars to enforce UN resolutions?

-repeatedly shooting at American and British aircraft patroling the no fly zone.

No pilots were ever shot down or killed. PISS POOR reason to kill and wound tens of thousands of american soldiers and spend a trillion dollars

-storing and developing WMD's

What kool aid have you been guzzling? No, they didn't have or develop WMD since the 1980s, or early 1990s. Bush's OWN inspectors reported that

-Massacres of hundreds of thousands of shites and kurds and using WMD's.

What the fuck do you care? He was killing muslims. You have said OVER AND OVER on this board, that all Muslims are evil, it is an evil religion, and in fact you hate muslims so much, you said you wouldn't even get in a taxi cab with a muslim

-Using the oil for food program to build palaces and enrich un officials.

So what does that have to do with invading Iraq? Punish the UN. Don't kill thousands of americans, and spend a trillion taxpayer dollars invading iraq.

-Torture and rape rooms. Includes the torture of his own olympics team when they didn't win.

Again, what the fuck do you care? Crocodile tears? You said you hate muslims, and that they're evil. Why do you all of a "sudden", want to go to war to save them?

-Ties to various terrorist organizations, particularly hama's by paying suicide bombers families.

So what. Hamas is a problem for Israel. Israel can defend itself. Hamas is a palestinian group with regional goals - it has never attacked american interests.

-Helping al zarkowi when he was wounded and giving him shelter.

Do your lies never cease. The Bipartisan Senate report release last fall said Saddam WAS NOT harboring Zarqawi, and saddam was in fact trying to find and ARREST him

-I would bet there are some other things that are classified that we won't know about for years. Or until it gets leaked out for someone political benifit.

You haven't even named ONE legitimate reason to spend a trillion taxapayer dollars, and sacrifice 25,000 dead and wounded american soldiers
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"You haven't even named ONE legitimate reason to spend a trillion taxapayer dollars, and sacrifice 25,000 dead and wounded american soldiers"

clearly, that is because there IS no legitimate reason for that debacle.... America TOLD them that at the polls in November.