Foreign Forces Behind Dominion


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Evidence Points to Manipulation of Dominion Voting System by Foreign Forces to Interfere With U.S. Election
Dec. 1, 2020 | By Minghui correspondent Li Yanbai

As more people are questioning the legitimacy of the U.S. presidential election results, evidence has emerged that Dominion Voting Systems have been used to interfere with U.S. elections by foreign forces including communist China, Serbia, and Iran.

These findings are consistent with information provided by various witnesses. They further highlight the deep and wide infiltration by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) globally – in ideology, technology, financial incentives, and integrity of the free world.

Witness: Dominion Voting System’s Connection with CCP and Serbia

In lawsuits filed by Attorney Sidney Powell in Georgia and Michigan to contest the general election result, she referred to testimony by a former military electronics intelligence analyst with the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion. Having worked with top election experts in the world, this analyst has extensive experience as a whitehat hacker.

During a public network scan on November 8 of Dominion’s website,, this analyst obtained information on the company’s connection with other Internet users and network devices. There were also 13 unencrypted passwords from Dominion employees, along with 75 passwords with hashing encryption at Tor nodes.

Through network analysis, the analyst found that the Dominion system has derivative domain names such Many of these domain names have connections with China and Iran.

Information from United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) indicated that Dominion had mortgaged numerous voting software patents to HSBC Canada. The analyst said that Dominion had sold voting patents to communist China through HSBC.

A public network scan on the same day showed that the same voting system also had connections with Belgrade, capital of Serbia. A follow-up scan of the Dominion official website found that the company’s Domain Name System (DNS) had a subdomain name of Belgrade.

Searching within the professional network of LinkedIn on November 9 revealed a large number of employees in Serbia working for Dominion.

This analyst also testified that while Smartmatic is the backbone of Dominion, Scytl is responsible for security of the election system. Attorney Sidney Powell had claimed earlier that the voting information was sent by Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software to Scytl’s server in Germany, where the data was manipulated to interfere with the U.S. election.

Election Integrity Expert: Biden’s Connection with Dominion and Serbia

National File interviewed Dana Jill Simpson and her husband Jim, both “election integrity and technology experts who have worked for Tides Foundation insiders (the Tides Canada Foundation shares office space in Toronto with Dominion Voting Systems’ headquarters).” In its November 24 article titled “Whistleblowers: Biden Implicated In Dominion Voting Scam Connected To Serbia,” the couple were cited saying that Dominion has been a national security threat for years while its voting machines, programmed in Serbia, are known for vote-flipping.

According to Simpson, Dominion almost had no buyers in the U.S. until Obama was elected in 2008. The Obama-Biden administration then used its authority and gave Dominion its market share through a forced divestiture. In March 2010, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder issued a press release, “Justice Department Requires Key Divestiture in Election Systems & Software/Premier Election Solutions Merger,” announcing that “DOJ was forcing a divestiture of election technology from a top company. Dominion ended up getting that technology and thus nearly a third of the electronic voting systems market in America.”

Within two weeks, Dominion purchased Sequoia, a spun-out company of Smartmatic, whose software had helped Chavez to “win” the Venezuelan election in 2004.

She also brought up Biden’s connection with Serbia. In May 2009, for example, he visited Serbia to cut a deal to help Serbian Hackers in Belgrade get control of information about a leading voting machine company so “he and Obama would have a better chance in 2012.”

Simpson, who is affiliated with the Democratic Party, brought her concerns about voter fraud to the FBI in 2016, but was ignored. “Jim and I, as an election team working for Harvard lawyer Cliff Arnebeck, located all the DOJ Documents to prove how Dominion Voting owes its 30% market share to an Obama-Biden DOJ Antitrust division sale done by Eric Holder,” she said, “No party running for office should have any ties to a company, but Biden while in office with Obama let Eric Holder handle this sale to their pet company Dominion. That my friends is as corrupt as it gets.”

A search in LinkedIn on November 6 showed 243 employees of Dominion. As the fraud drew more and more attention, only 140 of the 243 employees remained on LinkedIn as of November 16. That means more than 100 had disappeared, including some employees in Serbia. They could be worrying about being held responsible for voter fraud.

Hardware Manufactured in China With Risks

Simpson said the Dominion plot is linked to communist China, the Clinton Foundation, and George Soros. She pointed out that the scanners for Dominion are made by a company called Flex (previously known as Flextronics) in Plano, Texas, a global contract manufacturer. With headquarters in Singapore, Flex has over 50,000 contract workers in China, about one fourth of its global workforce. The biggest client in China for Flex is Huawei.

Simpson had been to Dominion’s U.S. office in Denver. “The Machines are made by Flex in China for the most part, and the programming is done in Serbia and Canada, and the international corporation is Barbados. They have direct ties to the Clinton Foundation in Delian Project,” she explained.

“This machinery not only stole the election from Trump but also Bernie. This bunch in Serbia and Canada of Dominion computer programmers (hackers) works with Hillary and with the UN on overthrowing foreign countries with the Delian project,” she continued.

Frank Figliuzzi, a former assistant director of the FBI for counterintelligence, told NBC in December 2019 that the Chinese manufacturers can be forced to cooperate with requests from Chinese intelligence officials to share any information about the technology, and therefore pose a risk for U.S. companies.

“That could include intellectual property, such as source code, materials or blueprints. There is also the concern of machines shipped with undetected vulnerabilities or backdoors that could allow tampering,” reported NBC in an article titled “Chinese parts, hidden ownership, growing scrutiny: Inside America’s biggest maker of voting machines.”

Dominion’s Core Infrastructure Manager Has Background in Chinese Military

Andy Huang, core infrastructure manager of information technology at Dominion Voting System, had previously worked at China Telecom, reported National Pulse in a November 25 article with the title of “Dominion Techie Worked For CCP Military Proxy Flagged By U.S. Govt For ‘Malicious Cyber Activity’.”

China Telecom is wholly run by the Chinese government, and the U.S. Department of Defense had found that the firm had been collaborating with the Chinese army for over two decades.

The National Pulse article said, “the Department of Justice flagged the firm for ‘concerns that China Telecom is vulnerable to exploitation, influence, and control by the Chinese government’ and how ‘the nature of China Telecom’s U.S. operations’ provide ‘opportunities for Chinese state-actors to engage in malicious cyber activity enabling economic espionage and disruption and misrouting of U.S. communications.’”

As stated across news media, communist China preferred Biden over Trump. In fact, over 95% of donations from Dominion U.S. employees went to the Democratic Party.

Dominion Executive: Able to Bypass Software System Directly to the Data Tables

Although Dominion’s headquarters is in Canada, it services 28 states covering over 40% of American voters.

Eric Coomer, vice president of engineering for Dominion, had a meeting with the Illinois State Board of Elections in August 2016. When asked “if it was possible to bypass election systems software and go directly to the data tables that manage systems running elections in Illinois,” he said, “Yes, if they have access.” And by “they,” he meant, “Vendors, election officials, and others who need to be granted access.”

A October 2016 New York Times article warned that the Dominion voting system “is a national security concern.” “The concerns about possible ties between the owners of Smartmatic and the Chávez government have been well known to United States foreign-policy officials since before the 2004 recall election in which Mr. Chávez, a strong ally of President Fidel Castro of Cuba, won by an official margin of nearly 20 percent,” wrote the article with a title of “U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties.”

Smartmatic was a little-known firm with no experience in voting technology. But it was chosen by the Venezuelan authorities to replace the country’s election machines before a contentious referendum that confirmed Mr. Chávez as president in August 2004. Furthermore, the government invested heavily in the company, reported the article.

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Businessman Joe Oltmann also provided inside information about Coomer, who is a supporter of the Antifa organization. He said that Coomer had assured Antifa members that Trump would never win the election because of his planning.

After Oltmann publicized the information, however, Coomer’s account was closed by Twitter.