Former No. 3 CIA Official, Defense Contractor Charged...


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Former No. 3 CIA Official, Defense Contractor Charged With Fraud in Cunningham Corruption Probe

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

SAN DIEGO — The CIA's former No. 3 official and a defense contractor were charged Tuesday with fraud and other offenses in the corruption investigation that sent former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham to prison, The Associated Press has learned.

Federal indictments named Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, executive director of the CIA until he resigned in May, and his close friend, San Diego defense contractor Brent Wilkes, both 52, according to two government officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because grand jury proceedings are secret.

One of the officials said the grand jury heard claims that Foggo joined Wilkes on trips to Hawaii and Scotland and was introduced to Wilkes' employees as early as 2003 as a "future executive" of Wilkes' company, Wilkes Corp., which allegedly received $12 million in illicit contracts from various government agencies.

In a separate indictment, Wilkes was charged with conspiring to bribe Cunningham in return for government contracts. A man who was described as a co-conspirator in Cunningham's 2005 plea agreement, John T. Michael, was also charged.,2933,251760,00.html