forum renaming


Junior Member
I'm going to go ahead and suggest renaming APP to "Tinfoil's LOLapalooza" since Damo's going to tolerate his spamming.
Thanks for the suggestion, but one thing is his posts are at least about politics.

So I can spam as long as they're random links to things vaguely about politics and with no commentary (unless you consider "LOL" commentary). Got it.
So I can spam as long as they're random links to things vaguely about politics and with no commentary (unless you consider "LOL" commentary). Got it.
Well, I've actually been considering moving them, but then thought, "But LOL isn't something that makes it necessarily 'below' or just 'normal' politics"...

Some day when I have time I'll go in and use some paring on that area, but not right at this moment. If it is obvious, then I'll move it.
Why are you so afraid to help the planet? Don't think we, as humans are going to last that long, anyways?

The planet doesn't need our help. All of this is alarmist fearmongering to get people to accept retarded and onerous taxation on our energy usage.
The planet doesn't need our help. All of this is alarmist fearmongering to get people to accept retarded and onerous taxation on our energy usage.
Keep on believing! but I will do my part to help keep the air and water clean for everyone!