Forums Sentence You To Death!

It has happened at a few other forums already. So will this be another? Probably. What am I talking about? Here it is. Like it or not, global warming is going to cause BIG problems for this planet. At least one scientist believes that the end could come in as little as 20 years. I HAVE THE SOLUTION! That is, if what I say is put into effect to the degree that it needs to be. This idea you could call perpetual motion. That is in so far as getting far more energy out of the device than you put into it. This is information I am willing to tell all of you. And you will understand.

But this information comes with a price. Here is the deal. On my honor, I will share this information under three small conditions. (Otherwise, I will take it to my grave and all of you will die a slow horrible festering death) And if whoever around here who has the final say will swear on their honor to abide by these conditions. First, don't ban me. The second thing I want is to say whatever I want. Just like you might expect in any country that actually believed in and practiced free speech. The third thing I want is that I decided that I don't like the username I chose. I would like to be able to change it.

So there it is. This forum has the power to not only save their lives and yours, but the lives of most of the creatures on this planet. The terms I asked for are less than nothing compared to that. Though as I said, I tried to make this deal at a few other forums. But to them, mass extinction was less important than their hypocritical power mad riles. Let the fun begin.