Found a Very Interesting Reagan Quote


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In 1947, as SAG president, Reagan testified before the House Un-American Activities Committee regarding the influence of communists in the motion picture industry. Strongly opposed to communism, he reaffirmed his commitment to democratic principles, stating, "As a citizen, I would hesitate to see any political party outlawed on the basis of its political ideology. However, if it is proven that an organization is an agent of foreign power, or in any way not a legitimate political party —and I think the government is capable of proving that—then that is another matter... But at the same time I never as a citizen want to see our country become urged, by either fear or resentment of this group, that we ever compromise with any of our democratic principles through that fear or resentment."House Un-American Activities Committee Testimony: Ronald Reagan. Tennessee Wesleyan College (October 23, 1947).

I would appear that Ronnie would be opposed to any sacrificing of our principles because of our fear of any enemy.
The Communist part of America actually did recieve a lot of funding from the soviets, but the house of unamerican activities found personal beliefs of film stars to be more important than that little tidbit and largely ignored the big stuff.
I think he was a democrat back then. He then became a Republican and I guess they dont mind caving into fear.
No I mean like the fear of the boogey man coming to get you in the night if you dont give up all your freedoms. It doesnt compare in any way to changing your life a little to stop shitting in your own house.

The enviromental protections can even be made into a economic plus for this country. The fear for the sake of Haliburtons bottom line helps a very small sector of people and wastes the shit out of our tax dollars.
The Republicans made Corporations externalizing many of their expenses back on the taxpayers very common. aka Corporate welfare.
Regan was great at reading scripts and teleprompters.
And charismatic. that was about all he had going for him.
Regan was great at reading scripts and teleprompters.
And charismatic. that was about all he had going for him.
Donald Regan was never that great at reading scripts or teleprompters. Only the stupid get them mixed up.

And if you ever heard Reagan's speeches from the time when he just changed parties, or even before that, you wouldn't be so foolishly dismissive of his intelligence and powerful ability to communicate ideas without scripting.

Or was that an ad hominy thing ?
Not really, it is just dingy to pretend that you can't spell it and think it denotes some sort of reality of dismissal. It's tired. But the more you attempt to dismiss the intelligence of Reagan the more those who are educated know you are simply deliberately obtuse on the subject. You may disagree with his message, but the reality is he was definitely one of the more intelligent people to hold that office.
Not really, it is just dingy to pretend that you can't spell it and think it denotes some sort of reality of dismissal. It's tired. But the more you attempt to dismiss the intelligence of Reagan the more those who are educated know you are simply deliberately obtuse on the subject. You may disagree with his message, but the reality is he was definitely one of the more intelligent people to hold that office.

I am glad that your delusion comforts you.
Not really, it is just dingy to pretend that you can't spell it and think it denotes some sort of reality of dismissal. It's tired. But the more you attempt to dismiss the intelligence of Reagan the more those who are educated know you are simply deliberately obtuse on the subject. You may disagree with his message, but the reality is he was definitely one of the more intelligent people to hold that office.

You may disagree with his message, but the reality is (Reagan) was definitely one of the more intelligent people to hold that office.

That's actually one of the few funny things you've ever said. ;)

Reagan was an intellectual lightweight. But, he was a great orator, and was very good at reading transcripts written by others.

He was an incoherent fool at unscripted press conferences, or anywhere he had to think on his feet.

What cons liked about him, was that he had a simplistic, government and communists bad-free markets and corporations good view of the world. And he always talked in simple, stark black and white terms like "morality".

A "morality" that was conspicuously absent when he supported rightwing terrorists like the contras, or illegally sold arms to the iranians. :rolleyes:
You may disagree with his message, but the reality is (Reagan) was definitely one of the more intelligent people to hold that office.

That's actually one of the few funny things you've ever said. ;)

Reagan was an intellectual lightweight. But, he was a great orator, and was very good at reading transcripts written by others.

He was an incoherent fool at unscripted press conferences, or anywhere he had to think on his feet.

What cons liked about him, was that he had a simplistic, government and communists bad-free markets and corporations good view of the world. And he always talked in simple, stark black and white terms like "morality".

A "morality" that was conspicuously absent when he supported rightwing terrorists like the contras, or illegally sold arms to the iranians. :rolleyes:
Anybody who read even a few entires in his diary would be disabused of this notion. It is one of the ways that the lefties comfort themselves. "Well he spoke a good game, but this ushering in economic prosperity that spanned two decades! Bah! He was too dumb! All he could do was recite speeches!"

It's total garbage, unfounded in reality other than the fantasy of liberals who use it to lick their wounds.

It's like a righty still repeating "Clinton did it!" whenever somebody comes up with something stupid Bush has done. The only difference is there's been three Presidents since Reagan, only this one since Clinton.
It was also a bit morally defiecent when he took an official no comment stance of 'sadam using chemical weapons on his own people and Iranians.