APP - Foundations of liberal power are crumbling

The OP article has a point about the changes in the traditional base of the Democratic Party (will conservatives ever learn how to spell the name of their hated nemesis?) but the transformation of our two-party politics is more comprehensive than that.

True, the switch of white working-class men from R to D has been significant with the decline of labor unions playing an important part; but just as dramatic has been the switch of upper-middle class workers (advanced degrees) and so-called knowledge workers from their traditional Republican alliance to the Democrats. The GOP has lost the middle class as the Democrats have lost the working class. This switch applies to white men only. When non-whites and women are added to the mix, the balance of voters swings Democratic.

The reality is that our two major parties are at least as much marketing brands as philosophical schools. As such, they are rather like kids on a see-saw. Whatever happens to one produces a corresponding effect on the other. The GOP has become the party of angry white men. The Dems have become the part of non-whites and, to a lesser degree, of women.
The OP article has a point about the changes in the traditional base of the Democratic Party (will conservatives ever learn how to spell the name of their hated nemesis?) but the transformation of our two-party politics is more comprehensive than that.

True, the switch of white working-class men from R to D has been significant with the decline of labor unions playing an important part; but just as dramatic has been the switch of upper-middle class workers (advanced degrees) and so-called knowledge workers from their traditional Republican alliance to the Democrats. The GOP has lost the middle class as the Democrats have lost the working class. This switch applies to white men only. When non-whites and women are added to the mix, the balance of voters swings Democratic.

The reality is that our two major parties are at least as much marketing brands as philosophical schools. As such, they are rather like kids on a see-saw. Whatever happens to one produces a corresponding effect on the other. The GOP has become the party of angry white men. The Dems have become the part of non-whites and, to a lesser degree, of women.

Whites (including Hispanics who identify as White) constitute the majority, with a total of about 246,660,710, or 77.35% of the population as of 2014. Non-Hispanic Whites totaled about 197,870,516, or 62.06% of the U.S. population.
The OP article has a point about the changes in the traditional base of the Democratic Party (will conservatives ever learn how to spell the name of their hated nemesis?) but the transformation of our two-party politics is more comprehensive than that.

True, the switch of white working-class men from R to D has been significant with the decline of labor unions playing an important part; but just as dramatic has been the switch of upper-middle class workers (advanced degrees) and so-called knowledge workers from their traditional Republican alliance to the Democrats. The GOP has lost the middle class as the Democrats have lost the working class. This switch applies to white men only. When non-whites and women are added to the mix, the balance of voters swings Democratic.

The reality is that our two major parties are at least as much marketing brands as philosophical schools. As such, they are rather like kids on a see-saw. Whatever happens to one produces a corresponding effect on the other. The GOP has become the party of angry white men. The Dems have become the part of non-whites and, to a lesser degree, of women.

The fact that Trump won the election despite the fact that 3,000,000 more people voted for Hillary, the worst possible candidate the Democrats had, shows the permanent minority status that our changing demographics offer a Republican Party whose roots are now in the white supremacist culture of yesteryear.
The fact that Trump won the election despite the fact that 3,000,000 more people voted for Hillary, the worst possible candidate the Democrats had, shows the permanent minority status that our changing demographics offer a Republican Party whose roots are now in the white supremacist culture of yesteryear.

no the roots of the republican party is in washington dc like the democrats , as for white supremacist culture of yesteryear,that would be the democrats not the republicans.